
dàn zǐ
  • a pellet shot from a slingshot;marble;play marbles;billiards;knuckles;bullet
弹子 [dàn zǐ]
  • (1) [knuckler;marble]∶供游戏的人用手指弹的小球

  • (2) [billiards]∶台球游戏的俗称

  • 弹子房

  • (3) [bullet]∶子弹

  • 弹子十万颗。--清. 黄世仲《洪秀全演义》

弹子[dàn zǐ]
  1. 于是他一气之下扔掉那个弹子,站在那儿沉思

    Then he tossed the marble away pettishly , and stood cogitating .

  2. 在这个游戏中,你可以往一个小洞里塞进一个弹子来把门打开。

    In this game , you can insert a marble into a small hole to open the door .

  3. 三个男孩儿在玩弹子游戏。

    Three boys were playing marbles .

  4. 在街道的那一边,两个男孩在玩弹子游戏。

    On the far side of the street , two boys were playing marbles .

  5. 种花草太糟蹋了!你听我的话,在这里放一只弹子台!

    " waste this on plants ? you take my advice and have billiard table here " .

  6. 通过ADAMS/View建立了灵巧子母弹子弹的实体模型。根据已知阻力系数,利用STEP函数实现了阻力系数的自动查询。

    This paper uses ADAMS / View software to establish the model of bullet of smart cluster , uses the known drag index and STEP function to realize automatic inquiry of drag index .

  7. 弹子,弹珠vt.使有大理石的花纹这个桌子是大理石的。

    marble This table is made of marble .

  8. 介绍了蒙特卡洛方法(Monte-Carlo)仿真的基本原理,并运用该方法对导弹子母弹战斗部对复杂目标毁伤进行研究,利用Matlab语言编制仿真程序实现了计算机仿真。

    This paper introduces the basic principle of Monte-Carlo and researches the destruction efficiency of complex targets missile cargo warheads by method of Monte-Carlo , realized computer simulation with compile emulator program of Matlab language .

  9. 取消了氨纶织物弹子顶破强力的考核。

    Score out the testing of ball bursting for Elastane fabric .

  10. 两个弹子相距不到一英尺。

    The two marbles lay within a foot of each other .

  11. 明天课后,弹子房集合。

    Tomorrow after class let 's meet at the pool hall .

  12. 你听我的话,在这里放一只弹子台!

    You take my advice and have billiard table here .

  13. 打弹子球我赢了迪克,因为他让了我很多。

    I beat Dick in billiards because he gave me tremendous odds .

  14. 从量子谱到经典轨道:矩形腔中的弹子球

    From quantum spectra to classical orbits : the rectangular billiards

  15. 没钱的时候,墙角下蹲着打玻璃弹子;

    No money , squatting under a corner hit the glass marbles ;

  16. 在弹子球房那晚我倾家荡产了。

    My night at the billiard parlor left me busted .

  17. 他过去常跟他的死党流连在弹子房。

    He used to h11o12at the poolroom with his buddies .

  18. 闪电击下时,他正静悄悄地在屋顶上玩弹子。

    He was on a rooftop quietly playing marbles when this happened .

  19. 二维圆环弹子球体系的谱分析和输运性质研究

    Quantum Transport and Spectral Analysis of Two-dimensional Annular Billiard System

  20. 弹子落地后,他走过去找起来。

    He watched where it stopped , and went there and looked .

  21. 打弹子游戏中我彻底打败了乔。

    I beat Joe good and proper in the game of marbles .

  22. 有弹子桌能打弹子的地方。

    A room with pool tables where pool is played .

  23. 飞航导弹子母弹对机场跑道封锁概率研究

    Study of Blockage Probability of Aerodynamic Missile with Cluster Warhead to Block Runway

  24. 霰弹子外弹道理论与计算转管武器外弹道特性的分析与计算

    Analysis and Calculation of the Properties of Barrels Revolving Weapon 's Exterior Ballistics

  25. 弹子球或台球中用来撞击母球的尖细的杆子。

    Tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiards .

  26. 男孩把指关节贴在地上瞄准,然后把弹子朝中心洞打去。

    The boy knuckled down took aim and shot for the centre hole .

  27. 半圆和四分之一圆二维弹子球的量子谱分析

    The quantum spectral analysis of the semicircular and a quarter of circular billiards

  28. 威利旺卡是一个糖果天才(制造吃不完的石头弹子糖,有人想吃吗?)

    Willy Wonka was a confectionary genius ( Everlasting Gobstoppers , anyone ?) .

  29. 记忆的神话&对《1973年的弹子球》的解读

    Myth of Memory : The Billiards Machine in 1973

  30. 导弹子母弹子弹抛撒弹道模型及数字仿真

    A mathematical model and simulated program on ejection of bomblet from a missile