
  • 网络Random Access Memory;Ram;DRAM;SDRAM;RAM Random Access Memory
  1. 程序储存于永久性介质(如硬盘)并加载随机存取内存而由计算机处理器执行,一次只执行程序内的一个指令。

    Programs are stored on permanent media ( such as a hard disk ), and loaded into RAM to be executed by the computer 's processor , which executes each instruction in the program , one at a time .

  2. 随机存取内存:支撑处理器目前正在处理的程序和数据的掉电后不能存储的存储器。

    Random access memory : Volatile storage that holds the program and data the CPU is presently processing .

  3. 随机存取存储器。内存属于这种存储器。在本例中,256个地址的RAM占用了存贮器的最后256个单元。

    RAM Random Access Memory , In our example , the 256-location RAM will reside in the last 256 locations of the memory .

  4. 主存储器又称为随机存取存储器,简称内存。

    Primary memory is known as random access memory ( RAM ) and simple named memory .