
  • 网络Let it be;let him be
  1. 随他去吧,他不会做什么有害的事情。

    Let him be , he is doing no harm .

  2. 随他去吧他是一个好犹太人。

    Leave him alone . he 's a good jew .

  3. 随他去吧,他会没事的。

    Let him go , he will be ok .

  4. “如果他想一个人藏身在黑暗中,那我们就随他去吧,”班佛利欧笑道。

    If he wants to hide in the dark by himself , then we 'll leave him , @ laughed benvolio .

  5. 教训非常简单:如果有人认为自己比库或系统供应商了解的内容更多,那就随他去吧。

    The lesson is simple : If someone thinks he or she knows more than the library or system vendor , run away .

  6. 但我们最主要还是要集中于比赛,让贝克汉姆的聚光灯随他去吧&我们知道自己不会停下的。

    But our job is to concentrate on the football match and let the David Beckham media circus carry on – we know we 're not going to stop it anyway .

  7. 随他说去吧:你的身子真娇嫩。

    Call away let him : thy quarrons dainty is .