
  • 网络uninhabited islands;desert island;no-man's land;no mans land
  1. 在无人岛上夸耀富有也是白费力气。

    It is of no use boasting of being rich on a desert island .

  2. 我国无人岛保护与持续利用途径研究:生境更新的方法及应用

    Protection and sustainable utilization model of uninhabited islands in China : approaches and application of habitat renewal

  3. 基里巴斯国的两个无人岛特布·塔拉瓦和阿巴尼亚在1999年被海水淹没,已经消失了。

    Two uninhabited Kiribati islands , Tebua Tarawa and Abanuea , disappeared underwater in1999 .

  4. 被隔离的人质;潮池里孤立无援的鱼;旅行者被大风雪放逐到无人岛上。

    An isolated pawn ; several stranded fish in a tide pool ; travelers marooned by the blizzard .

  5. 她起身坐直,心里想着,我究竟还要被困在这座无人岛上多久?

    She sit up and thinks , " How long will I be stranded on this deserted island ? "

  6. 你将要去一个无人岛,你将会带什么,为什么?

    If I 'm going to a no-ones island , firstly , I will take some necessities for living .

  7. 为了向数十万名叙利亚难民提供避难所,一位埃及富翁希望购下地中海的一处无人岛。

    A wealthy Egyptian has offered to buy an uninhabited Mediterranean island to provide refuge for hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees .

  8. 1884年,有日本人声称首次登上钓鱼岛,发现该岛为无人岛。

    In 1884 , a Japanese man claimed that he first landed on Diaoyu Dao and found the island to be uninhabited .

  9. 几年前,一些目光敏锐的谷歌地球用户发现这个无人岛从高空俯瞰恰如寥寥几笔画成的心形,因此引起了一场轰动。

    The uninhabited island caused a stir several years ago when eagle-eyed Google Earth users realised that it looked like a clumsily scrawled heart .

  10. 按照保护性开发和生态恢复等原则,运用生境更新的原理和方法,将我国无人岛划分为生态型、开发型、居民迁出型及国防型4种类型,以利于实行有效的分类管理。

    Based on the principles of protective development and ecological restoration , and rationales and methodology of habitat renewal , these islands can be sorted into four types , ecological , developmental , inhabitant-free , and defense-oriented , which facilitates effective respective management .

  11. 你好像住在外边的一个无人之岛上

    Looks like you 're living out on an island

  12. 几天后,他爬上了山,意识到他在一座无人居住的岛上。

    After a few days , he climbed a hill and realized that he was on an uninhabited island .