
  1. 花开花落,万物有时,你为甚麽不肯接受这是自然的定律?

    Flower grows and dies , everything have their time , then why don 't you accept the nature schedule ?

  2. 万物皆有时,时来不可失。

    Everything has its time and that time must be watched .

  3. 根据《圣经•旧约全书•传道书》的作者,人们可以通过记住“大千世界,万事万物皆有时”来获得安慰。而卡里•纪伯伦也曾敦促他的听众去“让今日用记忆拥抱昨日,用渴望拥抱未来”。

    According to the author of the Biblical book of Ecclesiaste comfort can be found in remembering that " to every thing there is a season , and a time to every purpose under heaven . " Kahlil Gibran urged his listeners to " let today embrace the past with remembrance , and the future with longing . "