
  • 网络Say it Right
  1. 有话好好说,冒什么火!

    Calm down , no need to speak so angrily .

  2. “每到这个时候,政治讨论往往就会异常热烈起来,”明尼阿波利斯的沟通培训公司RoshiniPerformanceGroup的主管以及《有话好好说!》(CommunicateThat!)一书的作者罗什尼•拉基库玛表示。

    " Political talk does seem unusually heated this time around , " says roshini Rajkumar , head of Minneapolis-based communications coaching firm roshini performance group and author of a book called communicate that !

  3. 我们所有人最后这个晚上都想好好说说话。

    And everyone had all been pretty much talking last night .

  4. 我会跟这里的警察好好说的。

    I 'll have a talk with the local chapter .

  5. 有话好好说

    When you have points to make , say them well

  6. 伙计们,有话好好说嘛。

    Hey , fellas . Let 's talk about this .

  7. 多么希望,我能够好好说再见

    Wish I could , I could 've said goodbye

  8. 我们都退一步好好说可以么?

    Shall we both give in to a compromise ?

  9. 好好说,人家才能听清你的话。

    Speak so that your words are clear .

  10. 好好说出来看在老天份上过来你们两个

    To do just that.For god 's sake . All right , both of you .

  11. 最让我痛苦的是,总不能和她好好说上一次话。

    My biggest pain is that good that she can not , and the last words .

  12. 你可以把“好好说”的纸条放入你丈夫的公事包。

    You can put " have a good say ' note in your husband 's briefcase .

  13. 这人不讲道理,这个是机会,得好好说他一下。

    That man doesn 't talk reason . it 's a splendid chance to dress him down a bit .

  14. 我要抛个雪球上去,引他望过来,再跟他好好说上几句话。

    I 'll toss up a snowball and make him look out , and then say a kind word to him .

  15. 别抢,孩子们,好好地说你想要。

    Don 't snatch , children ; ask for it nicely .

  16. 好好医生说你明天能出院了

    Good good.Doctor said you could come home tomorrow .

  17. 若不得不分离,也要好好地说声再见,也要在心里存着感谢,感谢你给了我那一份记忆。

    We say good-bye to each other and you are in my heart for giving me a memory .

  18. 我真的很想好好跟你说一下。

    And I would really love to talk to you about it .

  19. 我告诉你,我会好好和他们说的。

    I'II teii you what , I'II do all the taiking , okay ?

  20. 好好听她说自己想要的生活。

    To hearwhat she wanted out oflife .

  21. 其实一开始我是好好和他说的,他那不耐烦的样子令我不高兴。

    In fact , I was a good start and he said , his impatience makes me happy .

  22. 为什么你就不能闭嘴好好听我说呢?

    Why dont you just wind your neck in for once and listen to what I have to say ?

  23. 没有吗好吧你要坐下吗好好吧我说的是坐椅子上

    No ? Okay . Do you wanna sit down ? Yes.All right . I was thinking maybe in the chair here .

  24. 据孔子的思想,人类,虽然不总是好的,但可以通过学习和服务他人而变好好。比如说,变得明智。

    According to Confucius , humans , though not always good , can become good through learning and through service to others , i. e. becoming wise .

  25. 就在那一刻,航空称,对我的健康要求,并告诉我好好休息,说他会承担我的选择我的英语课程的责任。

    Just at that moment , Aero called , asking about my health and told me to have a good rest , saying that he would shoulder the responsibility of selecting my English courses for me .

  26. 你还没好好地跟我说你做的梦呢。

    You 've never really told me of your dream .

  27. 好好地跟她说,她也许会同意的。

    If you ask her nicely she might say yes .

  28. 为什么不好好地听某人说说话?

    Why not go out of your way to do a better job of listening to somebody ?

  29. 如果你想要孩子好好刷牙,与其说:“你要是不让我给你刷牙,我就不给你讲故事了!”

    Brush his teeth " No bedtime story if you don 't let me brush your teeth . "

  30. 我会乖乖的,皮诺奇保证。你也要上学好好念书,格培多说。

    I will be good , promised Pinocchio . You must also go to school and study hard , said the old man .