
  • In the Mood;good mood;Feel Good
  1. 晴朗朗的天,白森森的云,给你一份好心情。

    Orotund blue sky , white cloud , gives you good mood .

  2. 如果你想迅速拥有好心情,试试生活教练RebekahFensome的小妙招吧。

    If you want to be able to instantly access a good mood , try this technique from life coach Rebekah Fensome .

  3. PattiLabelle的“好心情”香水?!

    Patti Labelle 's " New Attitude " perfume ? !

  4. 与此同时,趁着快乐回忆所带来的好心情,我们继续以Schoolhouse摇滚的传统学习方式攻克命令行。

    In the meantime , and inspired by my happy memories , let 's continue conquering the command line in the tradition of Schoolhouse Rock .

  5. 这正是圣诞节我有一个好心情的缘故。

    That 's why I have this good feeling about Christmas .

  6. 成功的部分原因在于你那有感染力的好心情。

    This will be due partly to your infectious good mood .

  7. 祝你今天好心情!他说。

    He said . I hope you have a good day .

  8. 祝:生日快乐!天天好心情!

    Wishing : Happy birthday ! Is good daily the mood !

  9. 祝朋友国庆佳节:开开心心,每天好心情!

    Friends National Day wish : a happy day good mood !

  10. 祝圣诞快乐,时时好心情!

    I wish a Merry Christmas , always a good mood !

  11. 有好心情的人能够有大的思考格局!

    The people who have a good mood can think big .

  12. 叔叔我可是怀着好心情来这里的

    Uncle Michael , I came here in good spirits , Michael

  13. 祝你天天开心,有个好心情!

    Wishes you to be happy daily , has a good mood !

  14. 一看到那幅乱糟糟的局面我的好心情就没有了。

    My good spirits waned when I saw the mess .

  15. 嗯…那里的人们通常都有好心情。

    Well ... The overall good mood people have there .

  16. 还是要祝你天天有份好心情。

    Anyway I will wish you have a good feeling every day !

  17. 但是这一点也没有影响到我们的好心情。

    But it also did not affect our good mood .

  18. 是篮球让我保持了好心情和好体型。

    It is basketball that keeps me in good shape and mood .

  19. 而79%的受访女性表示,她们将疯狂购物以便换个好心情。

    Yet 79 percent of them said they would to cheer themselves up

  20. 好心情得我,今晚并没有心上人。

    I 'm not in love this time this night .

  21. 会让你一整天都好心情的-不不

    It 'll make you feel better . - No no.

  22. 吃大蒜虽然会口臭却能带给人们好心情。

    Garlic gives people bad breath but a good mood .

  23. 希望你们快乐每一天,永远拥有好心情。

    Hope you can happy every day , always have a good temper !

  24. 为了有个好心情,养成健康的睡眠习惯吧。

    Develop healthy sleep habits for a better mood .

  25. 就像好心情,总是在咖啡和早餐之后到来。

    Neither was in a good mood until they had coffee and breakfast .

  26. 然而,在这个好心情到来之前,人们长期处于极度忧郁中。

    Yet this greater optimism comes after an extended period of profound gloom .

  27. 其实,好心情的时候,阳光总能找到我。

    In fact , good mood , the sun always can find me .

  28. 拥有好心情的人才是真正富有的人。

    Those who are in a good mood are real men of wealth .

  29. 愿圣诞节保佑你的好心情,保佑你的好家庭。

    May the true meaning of Christmas bless your heart and your home .

  30. 祝一天好心情,记住:别忘了感恩

    Have a great day and remember to give thanks