
  • Amuse Yourself;amuse oneself;disport;Master of Everything
  1. 所以网站也只是我们自娱自乐的一个工具。

    So the website also is a tool that we amuse oneself only .

  2. 你可以通过阅读获得信息,也可以从中自娱自乐。

    You can collect information as well as amuse yourself in reading .

  3. 没有电视机,所以我们只好自娱自乐了。

    There was no TV so we were thrown back on our own resources .

  4. 我相信我能自娱自乐几个小时。

    I 'm sure I 'll be able to amuse myself for a few hours .

  5. 他就像是个自娱自乐的爱幻想的孩子。

    He 's like some dreamy kid playing on his own

  6. 我原来经常在家自娱自乐,现在也还能迅速准备好一顿颇为像样的晚宴。

    I used to entertain at home quite a lot , and I can still whip up a fairly decent dinner party .

  7. 由于电子阅读设备的普及,像Kindle和像eBay等转售阅读网站非常方便,借助它们每次你都能轻松自娱自乐数小时之久,成本不过几美元而已。

    Thanks to the popularity of electronic reading devices like the Kindle and re-selling websites like eBay , its never been easier to entertain yourself for hours at a time , for the low cost of a few dollars .

  8. 小猫追着一个毛线球在那自娱自乐。

    The kitten amused itself by attacking a ball of yarn .

  9. 那你说我们的整整一周自娱自乐时间该如何度过?

    How else will we entertain ourselves for an entire week ?

  10. 没关系我自娱自乐就行

    Oh , that 's okay . I can entertain myself .

  11. 他们多数晚上都在夜总会里自娱自乐。

    They spent most evenings disporting themselves in night clubs .

  12. 让我富有创造力,打造自娱自乐的东西。

    to be creative and build things to amuse myself .

  13. havefun:玩的开心那你就在那自娱自乐吧。

    Blair : Then have fun playing with yourself . -

  14. 人们可以在网上观看老人们自娱自乐的情景。

    Users can watch the old people enjoying themselves .

  15. 当然我并不满足于自娱自乐式的计算机学习和研究。

    Of course I don 't satisfied enjoyment of computer study and research .

  16. 主要是用来让顾客自娱自乐的。

    And mainly for the customers to enjoy themselves .

  17. 如果没什么别的,我是自娱自乐。

    If nothing else , I do amuse myself .

  18. 我是说你竟然有那么多自娱自乐的方式。

    I was referring to the numerous ways in which you entertain yourself .

  19. 不莱梅人自娱自乐的特质,在夜里更加明显。

    People 's personality of amusing oneself is more obvious in the evening .

  20. 不是说他不幽默他很自娱自乐

    It 's not that he 's not fun .

  21. 场地中央的韩国媒体人员开始自娱自乐的叫喊并做人浪。

    Korean press in center of floor seating is yelling and doing the wave .

  22. 户外提供了很多自娱自乐或者和朋友一起享受空闲时光的机会。

    The outdoors offers a greatopportunity to spend free time alone or with friends .

  23. 你可以自娱自乐直到我们回来。

    You can amuse yourself until we return .

  24. 你自娱自乐去吧,没有心的魔鬼?

    Get over yourself , you insensitive troll ?

  25. 我们玩游戏自娱自乐。

    We amused ourselves by playing games .

  26. 她说这主要是为了自娱自乐,但是这引起了其他人的关注。

    It was mostly for her own amusement , she said , but others noticed .

  27. 别着急,你到这儿之前我们可以找些东西自娱自乐。

    Don 't rush-we can find something to amuse ourselves with until you get here .

  28. 他拉小提琴只是为了自娱自乐。

    He plays violin just for enjoyment .

  29. 自娱自乐试试看,看你能往洗衣机里塞多少衣服。

    Step 5 : Amuse Yourself See how much laundry you can fit into the washer .

  30. 看看人们是怎样自娱自乐的

    looking at how people amuse themselves