
  • 网络autocollimator
  1. 线阵CCD在光电自准直仪中的应用

    The Application of Linear CCD in the Photoelectric Autocollimator

  2. 本文主要分析了基于线阵CCD的光电自准直仪的工作原理及影响参数。

    This text has analysed the operation principle of the photoelectric autocollimator based on the linear CCD and influence parameter mainly .

  3. 一种快速高精度激光CCD自准直仪圆目标中心的定位方法

    Fast and Precise Center Location for Circle Target of CCD Laser Autocollimator

  4. 激光CCD二维自准直仪中圆目标中心精确定位算法

    Precise center location algorithm for circle target in CCD laser dual axis autocollimator

  5. CCD自准直仪图像细分处理技术研究

    Research on image subdivision of CCD autocollimator

  6. 一种新颖的单线阵CCD双坐标自准直仪

    A Novel Single Linear CCD Two-dimensional Auto-collimator

  7. 应用CCD探测器作为成像器件,是实现自准直仪自动测量的有效途径之一。

    It is feasible to employ the CCD detector in autocollimator to realize automatic measurement .

  8. 利用二维PSD器件测量小角度的研究一种新型的自准直仪

    Research of Dual Axis Small Angle Measurement Based on 2-D PSD A New Type Autocollimator

  9. CCD的分辨率是影响新型光电自准直仪测量精度的关键因素,而边缘检测法是CCD位移测量的主要方法。

    The resolution of CCD is the key factor that impacts the measurement precision of new-type photoelectric autocollimator . Edge detection is the main method for CCD displacement measurement .

  10. CMOS图像传感器在光电自准直仪中应用目前尚处于探索阶段,国内外尚没有成熟产品出现的报道。

    At present , in the photoelectric autocollimator field , CMOS imager is on the exploring phase and has not a ripe product in and out of the country .

  11. 实验结果证明:FPGA中采用的混合图像去噪算法能提高CMOS图像传感器捕获到图像的信噪比,能提高光电自准直仪的失准角测量精度。

    The experimenting result indicates : the mixture model denoising algorithm using FPGA can improve the SNR of the CMOS imager and the misalignment angle measuring precision of the photoelectric autocollimator .

  12. 为满足高精度测量和瞄准跟踪系统中对激光CCD自准直仪的测量精度和实时性的要求,提出一种快速高精度激光CCD自准直仪圆目标中心的定位方法。

    To meet the requirements for measuring accuracy and real-time performance of CCD laser autocollimators in fields of high-accuracy metrology and aiming and tracing system , a fast and precise center location method for circle target of CCD laser autocollimator is proposed .

  13. 以面阵CCD代替人眼对自准直仪的十字分划板图像进行瞄准;采用图像不变矩自动搜索算法和hough变换、亚像素细分等方法实现对小角度的自动精确测量。

    The system carries out automatic and precision measurement of small angles by using CCD rather than eye to aim cross reticule image on the autocollimator , and by means of auto-search algorithm with image moment invariants , Hough transformation , sub-pixel subdivision , etc.

  14. 自准直仪测直线度误差的方法

    The Methodology for Measurement of Degree of Line by Self-aiming Gage

  15. 传统的自准直仪测角精度较低、测量范围受限制,不能满足精密测量技术越来越高的要求。

    Traditional autocollimator has lower measurement accuracy and smaller measurement range .

  16. 自准直仪按测量维数可分为一维和二维两种,二维自准直仪可同时测量两个方向的微小角度变化量。

    Auto-collimator can be devided into single-dimension and two-dimension according measuring dimensionality .

  17. 基于光电自准直仪的直线运动误差测量与分析

    The measurement of straight-line motion accuracy based on light-self-aiming gaga

  18. 直线拟合边缘检测法在光电自准直仪中的应用

    Edge detection method with straight line fitting and its application to photoelectric autocollimator

  19. OEA-1电视自准直仪的研制及应用

    Development and applications of the OEA 1 TV autocollimator

  20. 介绍用光学自准直仪测量主轴承孔同轴度的步骤与方法。

    This paper introduces the method and process of measuring coaxiality with optical-autocollimator .

  21. 多狭缝光电自准直仪狭缝类型与细分算法研究

    Study of Type of Slits and Sub-Pixel Subdivision Algorithm of Multi-slit Photoelectric Autocollimator

  22. 激光自准直仪的数据处理与误差估计

    Data Processing and Error Estimation of Laser Autocollimator

  23. 用光学自准直仪测量柴油机机体主轴承孔同轴度

    Measuring Coaxiality on Bore of Main Bearings in Diesel Engine Cylinder Bolck with Optical-autocollimator

  24. 数字光电自准直仪的研究与设计

    Research and Design of the Digital Optoelectronic Autocollimator

  25. 光电自准直仪现状与展望

    The current situation and prospect for photoelectric autocollimator

  26. 光电自准直仪中分划丝的分析与比较

    Analysis and Comparison of the Photoelectric Autocollimator Reticules

  27. 用自准直仪测量孔的同轴度

    Autocollimator used in Measuring Coaxiality of Hole

  28. 野外使用的半导体激光自准直仪

    Semiconductor Laser Autocollimator Used Outdoors

  29. 自准直仪(又称自准直测微平行光管)是应用自准直原理测量微小角度的检测仪器。

    Auto-collimator is a measuring and testing instrument which utilizes the principle of auto-collimation to measure small angle .

  30. 设计并实施自准直仪仪器对三轴转台的回转精度测试和轴系垂直度测试。

    Using autocollimation to Design and impled the measured test for gyration accuracy and set of axis perpendicularity .