
  • 网络Self-acceptance;Self Acceptance
  1. 方法以交往焦虑量表(IAS)、自尊量表(SES)和自我接纳问卷(SAQ),对487名大学新生进行调查分析。

    Method 487 freshmen of medical college were investigated by Interaction Anxiousness Scale ( IAS ), Self-Esteem Scale ( SES ) and Self-Acceptance Questionnaire ( SAQ ) .

  2. 结果咨询后,2组学生SCL-90,IAS和SAD得分均明显下降,交往主动性增强,人际交往信心增加,社交技能有所提高,社交回避倾向下降,自我接纳程度增高。

    Results After treatment of group counseling , the scores of SCL-90 , IAS and SAD were all decreased . They had more initiatives and confidence in communication activities and their communication skills were improved . They had less social-avoidance behaviors and higher self-acceptance .

  3. 抑郁症青少年的自我接纳和自我评价显著低于正常青少年(P0.01)。

    The self acceptance and self evaluation of depressive adolescents were significantly lower than those of normal controls ( P0.01 ) .

  4. 医学院新生自尊与自我接纳心理调查医学院图书馆暨查新机构的SWOT分析

    An Investigation on Self-esteem and Self-acceptance in the New Students of Taishan Medical College ; The SWOT Analysis on Medical College Library and Novelty Search Organization

  5. 方法:运用自我接纳问卷(SAQ),症状自评量表(SCL-90)对100名强制戒毒者进行测试。

    Methods : Self Admission Questionnaire ( SAQ ) and Symptom Check List ( SCL-90 ) are used to test 100 forced drug abstainers .

  6. 方法以考试焦虑量表(TAS)、特质应对问卷(TCSQ)和自我接纳问卷(SAQ)对181名新入学的中师生进行调查分析。

    Methods 181 normal school students were investigated by test anxiety scale ( TAS ), trait coping style questionnaire ( TCSQ ) and self acceptance questionnaire ( SAQ ) .

  7. 方法:以流行病调查中心抑郁自评量表(CES-D)、自我接纳问卷(SAQ)及向性测验问卷为调查工具对1100名医学生进行问卷调查。

    Method : Using epidemic disease investigation center 's CES-D , SAQ and tropism testing questionnaire as survey tools , we have carried out a questionnaire investigation among 1100 medical students .

  8. 农村初中生自我接纳与一般自我效能的相关

    Research on correlation between self-acceptance and general self-efficacy of rural middle school students

  9. 性传播疾病高危人群自我接纳程度分析

    An analysis of self acceptance of high risk crowd of sexually transmitted diseases

  10. 首发青少年抑郁症与父母养育方式和自我接纳的关系研究

    The relationship between first-episode adolescent depression and parental rearing styles and self acceptance

  11. 学习成绩为上等学生的自我接纳程度最高;

    Students whose achievements are crackajack get the highest scores on self acceptance ;

  12. 论文的第二部分探索了催眠疗法在大学生团体辅导中的应用,尝试使用团体辅导的形式提高大学生自我接纳程度与心理健康水平。

    The second part investigates the results of group training in university students .

  13. 结论自我接纳是影响大学生社交焦虑水平的重要因素。

    Conclusion Self-acceptance is the important factor that influences the students on social anxiety .

  14. 问卷能够敏感地区分神经症病人与正常人在自我接纳方面的差异。

    The SAQ is sensitive in differentiating the neurotics from the normal in self-acceptance .

  15. 并且进一步检验了无条件自我接纳在完美主义、成就动机与拖延之间的中介作用。

    And examination of unconditional self-acceptance intermediary role between perfectionism , achievement motivation and procrastination .

  16. 结论父母养育方式和自我接纳程度低与青少年抑郁发病相关;

    Conclusion : There is correlation between adolescent depression and parenting , low self acceptance ;

  17. 高职大学生完美主义与自我接纳、交往焦虑的关系

    Relationship Between Perfectionism and Self-acceptance as Well as Social Anxiety of Higher VTE School Students

  18. 强制戒毒者自我接纳与心理健康关系初步研究

    A Primary Study on Relationship between Self Admission and Psychological Health for Forced Drug Abstainers

  19. 结果大学生社交焦虑与自我接纳呈极显著负相关。

    Results There is significantly negative correlation between social anxiety and self-acceptance among the students .

  20. 团体心理咨询促进大学生自我接纳水平的实证研究

    Empirical Study of the Effect of Group Counseling on Promoting College Students ' Self-Acceptance Level

  21. 前言:目的:探讨强制戒毒者自我接纳与心理健康的关系。

    Objective : To explore the relationship between self-admission and psychological health for drug abstainers .

  22. 目的了解父母养育方式和自我接纳与首次发病青少年抑郁症的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between first-episode adolescent depression and parental rearing styles , self-acceptance .

  23. 斯特兰博士说,人们可以通过一个他称之为“积极自我接纳”的过程来治疗这种“渺小恐惧症”。“积极自我接纳”是一个在生活中不断地发现自我的过程。

    The remedy is a process that he calls'active self-acceptance'through a sustained quest for self-knowledge through life .

  24. 压力管理训练对恢复期抑郁症患者应对方式和自我接纳的影响

    Effect of Stress Management Training on the Coping Style and Self-acceptance of the Depression Patients at Restoration Stage

  25. 留守学生与非留守学生在自我接纳、同伴关系上存在显著差异。

    The left-behind students and ordinary students in the self-acceptance , peer relationships , there are significant differences .

  26. 方法采用自评抑郁量表、负性自动思维问卷、自我接纳问卷对维持性血液透析患者进行问卷调查。

    Methods Investigate patients with maintenance hemodialysis by Self-rating Depression Scale , negative automatic thoughts questionnaire and self-admission questionnaire .

  27. 坦诚而言,成熟虽然意味着逐渐衰老,但同时也意味着更加自我接纳,更加真诚面对世界。

    Frankly speaking , getting older seems a good thing for me , more self-acceptable and more sincere to the world .

  28. 1100名医学生抑郁状态调查及其与自我接纳和向性关系的研究

    A study on epidemiological characters of 1 100 medical students ' depression situation and the relationship between depression situation and self-acceptance and tropism

  29. 目的:了解医学生抑郁状态流行情况及其与向性和自我接纳的关系。

    Objective : To find out the general epidemic condition of students'depression and the relationship with tropism as well as with self - reception .

  30. 他人积极关系、自我接纳程度、社会支持、主观支持、客观支持、对支持利用度的性别主效应显著。

    Positive relationship with others , level of self-acceptance , social support , subjective support and objective support all have significant influence on gender utilization .