- 网络euhedral

The Au-bearing arsenopyrite is generally euhedral , subhedral , long-prismatic , plate-prismatic and prismatic , etc.
Deep buried dolostones in study areas mainly consist of fine or medium dolomites , which crystals are euhedral or subhedral .
The Q-1 type quartz cement has well euhedral which may related to the dissolution of sandstone .
Occasionally the mineral aggregates occur in parallel columnar form and they consist of subhedral to euhedral columnar crystals ranging from 15 to 65 μ m in diameter .
It is dark brown to black , and has a subhedral diamond shaped grain up to 0.2 mm .
The ores show idiomorphic or hypidiomorphic granular structure and disseminated texture .
The minerals appear mostly idiomorphic and have middle-fine to middle-coarse grade .
Rutile exists as subhedral granular texture , and is mainly distributed between tremolite .
Furthermore , these cells had transformed themselves into the insulin-producing islet beta cells .
Major textures of ores are cataclastic texture , euhedral-subhedral granular texture , poikilitic texture .
The gypsum contents are range from 0 % to 20 % , averaging 6.3 % .
Formation temperature of width and fine crystals authigenic quartz is generally at 100 ℃ - 150 ℃ .
Exchanges have been playing an important role in the market transactions from the time when they came into effect .
Biotite from east to west changes from a light brown-brown hypidiomorphic into tiny flakes green-brownish green augen porphyroclasts , alteration increased .
Most of these epidotes are idiomorphic , and they are featured frequently with melting corrosion structure and occasionally with allanite-rich cores .
Both are composed of tiny automorphous layered crystallites and rich in Fe ( total iron oxide 25 & 40 % ) .
The results show that the fine-grained hypidiomorphic pyrite , with a crystal form of pentagonal dodecahedron , contains more Au than others .
The automorphic , hypidiomorphic and xenomorphic granular textures are the main ore textures and vein and disseminated structures are the main ore structure .
Of anhedritite to determine gypsiferous formation ; using the difference in crystal degree of crystal dolomite , automorphic extent of dolomite and chert content etc.
Hematite phenocrysts , up to 1 - 2 mm in size , can be seen to occur as euhedral laths disseminated in massive ores .
Under scanning electron microscope , barite in these samples occurs as euhedral crystal , co-existing with authigenic quartz and albite with the same idiomorph .
Although automorphic or partial automorphic quartz cementation losses some intergranular pores in late diagenesis , the reservoir with relatively high porosity still can be formed .
The main ore textures are cataclastic texture , hypidiomorphic-euhedral granular texture and interstitial texture . Ore structures are mainly vein structures , fine stockwork structures and disseminated structures .
The former are mainly developed in the coarsesilt grained , euhedral and semi-euhedral crystalline calcitic dolomites occurring in the lower part of the first member of the Doushantuo Formation .
Ore structures are brecciated , micro-disseminated , gelatineous , earthy , and the textures are automorphic-hypautomorphic granular , over-growth zoning , allotriomorphic granular , replacement remnant , pseudomorphic and strawberry .
The ore type is dynamic metamorphic polymetallic sulphide altered rock type , the texture concluding idiomorphic-hypidiomorphic granular , xenomorphic granular , poikilitic , cataclastic et al and massive , disseminated brecciform structure .
The water body energy impelled the ferruginous colloids or suspended matter to rotate around quartz fragments or the preexisting microgranular iron minerals as euhedral crystals to form the ooids ( with nuclei or without nuclei ) .
Ore than major structural change in the structure of granular texture 、 false account of the structure 、 ring structure 、 and a half from the shape-it is shaped structure ; the main structure with block structure 、 the infection-like structure and fine vein structure .