
  • 网络natural being
  1. 实践证明,作为自由的存在者,人是自然的存在物,社会的存在物和自我的存在物。

    Practice proves that people as a being of liberty is the natural being , social being and self being .

  2. 人是自然的存在物,人是人的世界的根本,人是创造人的世界的主体。

    Man , natural being , is the root of world of human , and man is the subject of creating the human world .

  3. 自然的存在论包括三个方面的含义。

    The existentialism of nature contains meanings in three levels .

  4. 儿童是自然的存在

    On The Natural Existence of Children

  5. 人既是社会的存在,也是自然的存在。

    Man exists not only in society , but in nature , which is shown in interaction .

  6. 人的生命存在既是自然的存在,也是精神的存在,更是社会的存在。

    The existence of human life is the natural existence , the spiritual existence , and the social existence .

  7. 月亮,它也不是自然的存在体,对人类造成了影响,将会被移除。

    The moon , which does not belong to nature , and affects the human race , will be removed .

  8. 这是因为中国人和英语本族语的人之间很自然的存在一种潜在的语言、文化和思维方面的差异性。

    This is because of the different potential linguistic structures , cultures , thoughts and other related problems with English native speakers .

  9. 人作为自然的存在、社会的存在、精神的存在三个层面而言,相应地在人身上体现出三类精神:道德精神、科学精神、审美精神。

    As the natural , social and immaterial existence , human has three kinds of spirit : moral , scientific and aesthetic spirit .

  10. 自然的存在证实了个人的不自足,使人有了对完整、美好、永恒的追寻。

    The existence of nature demonstrates the self-dissatisfaction of individual , and it makes the individual pursue the integrity , goodliness and eternity .

  11. 马克思认为现实的人与自然的存在因为实践方式(劳动)的异化而以异化的方式而存在。

    Marx believes that because of the dissimilation of practice patterns ( labor ), the realistic man and nature exist in the way of dissimilation .

  12. 体现人的超越性和创造性的文化是非自然的存在,但不应处于反自然状态。

    Culture , as the embodiment of human spirit of surpassing and creativity , is a non natural being , but it should not be anti natural .

  13. 儿童是双重存在的复杂生命体:作为自然的存在,儿童的发展受着天性和内在指导方针的指引;

    They have double existences : one is the natural existence , in which the children 's development is guided by the nature and the inner regulations ;

  14. 我们住的地方也很不错,在陶院老校区里面,有很多大树和植物,然我随时都感受到自然的存在。

    Our apartment is located in the old Ceramic Academy , you can find many big trees round there , I feel the nature all the time .

  15. 归功于几世纪以前我辈就已启动在人心智里的认知方式,人们发现置身在日常耳熟能详的事物中,已经很难去相信另有一种超乎自然的存在。

    Thanks to processes which we set at work in them centuries ago , they find it all but impossible to believe in the unfamiliar while the familiar is before their eyes .

  16. 而西方传统诗歌则将人的感受放在主位,以人的情感而不以自然的存在为依归,使自处于从属依附的地位。

    While in western traditional poem , man 's senses dominate , what the poet emphasizes is man 's emotions instead of the nature , which makes the nature an appendage to man .

  17. 既不因发展经济忽略自然的存在价值和规律,又不因保护环境而使经济发展停滞,要求走出经济和生态的双赢局面,以此指导人类社会的永续发展。

    The construction does not ignore the law of nature nor stagnate economic development in protecting environment , whose objective is to come to a win-win situation for a sustainable development of human society .

  18. 马克思的早期美学包含了一种感性论思想,即确认人是感性的、自然的存在物,主张把人的本质理解为感性活动。

    There exists sensationalism in early Marxian esthetics , which asserts that human beings are sensitive and are natural creatures of existence , and which advocates that the essence of human nature is sensitive activity .

  19. 福尔摩斯不相信世上会有一只超乎自然的猎犬存在。

    Holmes did not believe that there was a supernatural hound .

  20. 这些都说明作为开发和改造自然的生产力存在一个绿色化的问题。

    It indicates that the constitution of the green of productivity is necessary .

  21. 社会成员由于生理能力的差异、自然分工的存在和对生产资料的不同占有而造成经济利益必然分化。

    The occurrence of disparity in economic interests is inevitable due to various causes .

  22. 反差度还将因某些杂散自然光的存在而降低。

    The degree of contrast will also be diminished by the presence of some vagrant ordinary light .

  23. 自然正义的存在,甚或可能性证明我们人性的、太人性的党派偏见是正当的。

    The existence , or even the possibility , of natural justice justifies our human , all-too-human partisanship .

  24. 本文旨在通过对中国自然观念的存在分析来进行这样的考证。

    This essay is an attempt to provide such a justification through an existential analysis of Chinese concept of nature .

  25. 从哲学层面上的思考,人作为自然物的存在是十分有限的,必然要面临生与死的问题。

    Consider of the philosophical level , people as part of nature is quite limited , we must face the question of life and death .

  26. 相信自然规律的存在,相信人能够认识自然规律,是科学发展的关键。

    It is the key of the development of science that we believe there are the order of nature and the human being can cognize it .

  27. 公司法人的这一特性暗含着公司法人悖论:即自然人的存在是公司利益实现的关键,但自然人也是公司利益遭受侵蚀的根源。

    This corporation characteristic implies the corporation paradox , that is , the natural people are the crux to realize and prejudice the corporation ' interest .

  28. 锝(43号元素)和钷(61号元素)都是放射性的,并且在自然中的存在数量无法侦测。

    As a result technetium , element number 43 , and promethium , 61 , are always radioactive ( and are not found naturally in detectable quantities ) .

  29. 就何种意义而言,我们能自问,且我想你们也应该,会在你们的时段讨论,就何种意义而言,城市是自然演变的存在?

    In what sense , we could ask ourselves and I think you probably will be asking in your sections ,? in what sense is the city by nature ?

  30. 自然经济的存在,无法消除宗族势力赖以存在的血缘地缘环境,这为宗族势力的复活提供了土壤。

    The existence of natural economy , for which we couldn 't extinguish the consanguineous and geographic surroundings of clan force depending on and it nourishes the clan force .