
zì yuàn bǎo xiǎn
  • voluntary insurance
  1. 三是实行强制保险与自愿保险相结合,提高参与率;

    Thirdly to link the compulsory insurance and voluntary insurance and raise the rate of participation ;

  2. 但是新农保是一种自愿保险,农民基于自己的意愿来决定是否参加新农保。

    However , the new rural social pension insurance is a voluntary insurance to farmers based on their willingness to decide whether to participate in the new rural social pension insurance .

  3. 存款保险方式有强制保险、自愿保险、强制与自愿相结合三种。

    There are three kinds of deposit insurance , compulsory insurance , voluntary insurance and combination of compulsory and voluntary insurance .

  4. 可以说单靠政府财政的力量建立全民的、全面的健康保障体系已经力不从心,那么发挥商业健康保险的自愿保险模式已是势在必行。

    Apparently it has diminished that relying solely on the strength of government finances to establish a universal and comprehensive health protection system , it is inevitable to play the voluntary insurance model of commercial health insurance .

  5. 就我国农业保险法律制度的价值的实现而言,需要国家的干预与介入,并从立法上采用以下基本原则:非营利原则、政府扶持原则和强制保险与自愿保险相结合原则。

    So far as realizing the values of our agricultural insurance law is concerned , it needs intervention by the government and adopting legislatively the basic principles , which include nonprofit principle , government - supporting principle , and compulsive and voluntary principle .

  6. 旅客保险旅客可以自愿向保险公司投保国内航空运输旅客人身意外伤害险。

    Passenger 's voluntary insurance Passengers can purchase insurance at their option with an insurance company for accidental death or any unexpected bodily injury for passenger domestic air transportation . To insure , as against loss .

  7. 养老保险制度可以由自愿的私人保险和退休基金提供必要的补充。

    The endowment insurance system should consist of voluntary private insurance and retirement funds .

  8. 医疗责任保险制度在我国尚处起步阶段,一般采自愿的责任保险,但是其运行难如人意。

    Medical liability insurance system in China is still in its initial stage , the general liability insurance is on a voluntary basis , but its running is below expectations .

  9. 如果在风险开始后,船舶自愿地改变保险单预定的目的港,即构成航程变更。

    Where , after the commencement of the risk , the destination of the ship is voluntarily changed from the destination contemplated by the policy there is said to be a change of voyage .

  10. 其次,构建出具体的目标模型,包括体现公平的全国统一的基本养老保险、兼顾效率的强制储蓄的个人账户、完全自愿的商业保险和城乡居民老年津贴制度。

    Secondly , it constructs the specific target model , which includes the national unified basic endowment insurance , mandatory personal savings accounts , completely voluntary commercial insurance , and aged allowance system of urban and rural residents .

  11. 托运人或者旅客根据自愿可以向保险公司办理货物运输保险,保险公司按照保险合同的约定承担赔偿责任。

    Any shipper or passenger may , on voluntary basis , buy insurance policy for transport of goods at an insurance agency and the insurance agency shall be liable for indemnity in conformity with the agreement as stated in the insurance contract .

  12. 已办理个人自愿缴费参加医疗保险,就业后跟单位参保,已缴纳的一次性预付金能否退还或抵缴逐月缴费金额?

    Already dealt with an individual freewill pay cost attends medical treatment to be sure , ginseng of unit of obtain employment heel is protected , already the one-time imprest gold of pay whether return or touch capture of pay month by month to expend amount ?