
zì diàn lí
  • Autoionization;auto-ionization;self-ionization
自电离[zì diàn lí]
  1. 分析了一个脉冲激光与原子相互作用的四能级系统,并考虑最上层能级的自电离过程,从而引入非厄米哈密顿量。

    A four-level system coupled with lasers is analyzed in terms of dressed-atom model by introducing auto-ionization decay which leads to a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian .

  2. 利用扭曲波玻恩交换近似,计算了类锂离子的电子碰撞激发-自电离截面和总电离截面,与紧耦合计算及实验数据比较,得到了比较令人满意的结果。

    The cross section of inner-shell excitation followed by auto-ionization and total ionization cross section of lithium-like ions by electron impact have been calculated by using a distorted wave Born exchange approximation .

  3. 并用偏振光技术测定两个自电离态的J值。

    The total angular momentums J of two autoionization levels were determined by a polarization technique .

  4. Ru原子自电离态的测量及高灵敏分析

    Measurement for autoionization States and high sensitive analysis of Ru

  5. 以Ge为例,研究了双电子复合代替自电离与双电子俘获对离子布居的影响;

    Comparison of autoionization and dielectronic capture with dielectronic recombination in ion population in Ge plasma was given .

  6. 对F原子的光电离截面,人们已经做了大量实验研究,并观察到了大量的自电离共振结构。

    There are many experimental studies performed for the photoionization of atomic fluorine , and the autoionization resonance series in fluorine have been observed .

  7. 基于这些结果,给出了计算类钠等电子系离子(18≤Z≤39)直接电离和激发自电离截面的高精度拟合公式。

    Based on the calculated results , we present two empirical formulas with high accuracy for calculating direct ionization and excitation autoionization cross sections .

  8. SOSA模型下高剥离态的自电离系数

    Autoionization Rates Coefficients of Highly Ionized State in SOSA Model

  9. 本文不仅显著地丰富了Eu原子的光谱信息,还首次观察到了Eu原子自电离的BR和AD。

    Not only the spectroscopic information of the Eu atom is enriched significantly , but also the AD of the autoionization ejected electron and the autoionization BR of Eu atom are observed for the first time in this paper .

  10. 利用鞍点复转动的方法,计算了21个位于BeⅡ的11S和21P阈值之间的2P0自电离态,得到了包括相对论修正和质量极化修正在内的共振能量和宽度。

    We calculate the positions and the widths of 21 2P 0 resonances in Be ⅱ between 1 1S 0 and 2 1P thresholds with a saddle point complex rotation method . Relativistic and mass polarization corrections to the autoionization energy are included .

  11. 直到2004年Delos等人才在理论上首次给出了自电离过程的混沌动力学的完整解释,并预言了平行电磁场中的氢原子的电离谱也具有与此类似的电子脉冲结构。

    A complete theoretical analysis on the chaos dynamics in autoionization process was retarded till 2004 . Delos et al . predicted that somewhat similar electron pulses trains should occur for a hydrogen atom in parallel electric and magnetic fields .

  12. 铈原子偶宇称自电离态激光共振电离光谱

    Laser Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy of Even-Parity Autoionization States of Cerium Atom

  13. 多光子过程和自发辐射对激光诱导自电离的影响

    Effect of multiphoton process and spontaneous emission on laser induced autoionization

  14. 电子碰撞激发机制中自电离与双电子俘获

    Autoionization and dielectronic capture in NE like GE collisional X ray laser

  15. 高阶离化对强激光场诱导自电离的影响

    Effects of high-order ionization processes in intense laser-field induced autoionization

  16. 多光子电离的强场效应(Ⅰ)&强激光诱导自电离

    Strong-field effect of multiphoton ionization (ⅰ) - strong laser-induced autoionization

  17. 多电子激发态离子的自电离衰变处理方法

    An approach to autoionization decay of multiply excited states

  18. 原子光诱导自电离时间特征

    Time characteristic of atom autoionization induced by laser pulses

  19. 强场自电离中自发辐射谱的功率增宽

    Power broadening of photoemission spectra in strong field autoionization

  20. 强激光场诱导自电离理论

    Theory of intense laser - field induced autoionization

  21. 电子离子碰撞过程中的共振激发双自电离

    Resonant Excitation Double - autoionization in Electron-ion Collision

  22. 类钠铜离子的激发自电离

    The excitation autoionization of Na like Cu ion

  23. 强激光场下的双光子自电离理论

    Theory of two-photon autoionization under strong laser field

  24. 本文研究包含二阶离化过程的双光子自电离;

    In this paper , the two-photon autoionization involving second-order ionization processes is investigated .

  25. 啁啾效应对相干布居转移与自电离的影响研究

    Study on the effects of chirped laser pulse on the coherent population transfer and autoionization

  26. 激光诱导自电离及其光电子能谱

    Laser - induced autoionization and photoelectron spectrum

  27. 强激光场诱导自电离中的相干效应

    Coherent effects in intense laser-field induced autoionization

  28. 钙原子的双电子激发自电离光谱

    Doubly excited autoionization spectrum of Ca atom

  29. 双光子过程将使光电子能谱和光诱导自电离过程变得非常复杂,单光子和双光子过程所产生的光电子能谱,都具有多极大值结构。

    For example , the photoelectron spectra of one and two-photon process have multi-maxium structure .

  30. 包含自电离过程的阈上离化

    Above-threshold ionization involving processes of autoionization