
zì xiū shì
  • self-study room
  1. 笔者和同事在多年教学与研究的基础上利用现代多媒体技术试图开发出特别针对公外学生的语音语调自学课件,用于CAI自修室和空中英语课堂,以促进公共英语的语音教学。

    The author and her colleagues have managed to make an English Pronunciation & Intonation Courseware that specially targets to non-English majors in order to promote their English study .

  2. 我的父亲正在撰写一本组成的自修室。

    My father was writing a composition in the study room .

  3. 他将教授伦理学并代替我管理自修室。

    He 'll teach ethics and supervise the study hall instead of me .

  4. 这里很容易被误解为一家设计学校的自修室或是一家斯巴达式的科技创业公司。

    This could easily be mistaken for a design school study hall or a Spartan technology start up .

  5. 我在自修室里念书的时分,那个人经老是要来跟我说话。

    In fact , you told me there 's that one guy who always bothers you in the study hall .

  6. 共建和谐自修室&九江学院图书馆自修室问卷调查的分析与思考

    The Co-construction of Harmonious Self-study Rooms & Analysis and Thought on the Investigation of Self-study Rooms in Jiujiang University Library

  7. 例如,它用旧的日光灯照亮宿舍自修室来渲染《凡尔赛和约》的氛围;

    It colors the terms of the Versailles Treaty with the wasted fluorescent glow of the dorm study room , say ;