
  • 网络York Chow
  1. 香港食物及卫生局局长周一岳(YorkChow)和世界卫生组织(WHO)昨日均表示,目前暂无证据表明香港正面临季节性流感以外的其它任何疫情。

    Hong Kong 's health secretary , York Chow , and the World Health Organisation both said yesterday there was no evidence to suggest that the territory was facing anything other than a seasonal bout of flu .

  2. 生福利及食物局局长周一岳医生于防治虫鼠研讨会上发言。

    Dr York Chow , Secretary for Health , Welfare and Food , addresses a pest control seminar .

  3. 周一岳重申,香港难以免除社区感染的发生。

    He restated that Hong Kong is " unlikely to be spared from local infection " .

  4. 不过,周一岳说,香港不能就此松心大意,因为流感病毒还在世界范围内继续传播。

    Chow says the city should not be complacent , because the virus continues to spread worldwide .

  5. 周日,周一岳表示,这些最新的调查结果促使政府将食品检测的范围扩大至从大陆进口的肉类。

    The new results have prompted officials to expand food testing to meat imports from the mainland , Chow told reporters Sunday .

  6. 香港卫生局局长周一岳说,2013年,所有公共医院的产科服务可能会预留给本地孕妇。

    Health Chief York Chow said that all public hospital obstetric services are expected to be reserved for local pregnant mothers in 2013 .

  7. 周一岳说,他和梁振英保持联系,尊重他取消配额体制的意见,但最终决定还没达成。

    Chow said that he was in touch with Leung and respected his view of suspending the quota system , but a final decision had yet to be made .

  8. 周一岳警告称,这些内地产妇的丈夫必须宣誓确认婚姻状况,若被发现撒谎将面临公诉。

    Dr Chow warned that husbands of mainland Chinese women would have to take an oath to confirm that they were married and would be prosecuted if they were found to be lying .