
  • 网络Zhou Yong;Chou Yung
  1. 周勇说欧洲麻将选手普遍是高智商人群,例如工程师或者科学家。

    Yong said that the European Mahjong players are generally senior intellectuals such as engineers or scientists .

  2. 中国选手赢得了团体冠军,来自华东地区扬州的周勇赢得了单人冠军。

    Chinese players won the team title and Zhou Yong from east China 's Yangzhou city won the individual title .

  3. 根据周勇所说,以前中国队和日本队是唯一值得关注的队,因为麻将起源于中国,日本也有高水平的职业联赛。

    According to Zhou , the Chinese and Japanese were the only noteworthy teams before , as Mahjong originated in China and Japan also has a professional league playing at a very high level .

  4. 为了提高高校田径教学质量,将董奇、周勇提出的学生学习的自我监控理论引入到教学中,在教学实验中培养学生的自我监控能力。

    In order to improve the university teaching quality of track and field , this essay applies " self-monitoring ability of learning " that raised by Dong Qi and Zhou Yong to the teaching of track and field course , then develops students ' self-monitoring ability in the teaching experiments .