
  1. 就像网友在网上所声明的一样,即使马永平处于很“可怜的情况”,但是也没有任何理由谋害他人。

    Even if Ma had become embroiled in a " pitiful situation , " as some have claimed on the Internet , that is no excuse for murder .

  2. 不久,马永平携带汽油桶乘车,点燃公交,车上乘客与马并无瓜葛。

    Moments later , he was to aboard a bus with containers filled with gas and set alight the vehicle that was full of people who had nothing to do with Ma 's predicaments .

  3. 当天下午4:30,马永平在某工地楼顶被警方抓获。据新华社报道,在被抓获之前,马永平曾威胁跳楼。

    Ma was arrested around 4:30 PM the same day on top of a building in the same area that the incident occured . After threatening to jump off the building , he eventually surrendered , Xinhua News Agency said .

  4. 也有一些网友质疑,是否应该有一种必要的渠道,来帮助像马永平这样的人寻求纠正所犯的错误。但是,不管一个人有什么样的压力,在有乘客的公交车上纵火,也已经超越了道德和法律的底线。

    Some may question whether there are the necessary channels whereby those like Ma can seek redress for perceived wrongs , but setting fire to a bus carrying passengers crosses the moral and legal bottom line no matter what pressure a person may be under .

  5. 据调查,33岁马永平曾在朋友圈中表达不满之情,原因是分包商曾承诺给他住房抵代工资,结果竟是“烂尾楼”。

    It had emerged that the 33-year old had posted on WeChat that he was angry because a contractor he worked for had promised to give him an apartment as payment , but the promised apartment turned out to be an unfinished , abandoned building .