
  • 网络Sic;nm-sic
  1. 对纳米碳化硅的高温高压稳定性和分解行为进行了实验研究。

    The stability and decomposition behavior of SiC nanometer powders was studied under the high pressure and high temperature .

  2. 一种制备巴基葱的新方法&纳米碳化硅高温真空热分解法

    A new way of making Bucky onion by thermal decomposition of SiC Nanometer Powders under high temperature and vacuum

  3. 利用冷压烧结法制备了不同含量的聚四氟乙烯/纳米碳化硅(PTFE/纳米SiC)复合材料。

    Polytetrafluorethlene ( PTFE ) composites with various nano-SiC ratios respectively were obtained by compression molding .

  4. 拉曼光谱表明它是六角多型(4H)纳米碳化硅晶须。

    The Raman spectrum shows that the SiC prepared should be four hexagonal polytypic SiC .

  5. 纳米碳化硅(SiC)填充PTFE复合材料的磨损表面具有明显的分形特征,分形维数越大,PTFE复合材料磨损越严重,分形维数能很好地描述复合材料磨损表面的磨损程度。

    The worn surface of PTFE composite has obvious fractal character . The bigger fractal dimension is , the more serious worn surface is . Fractal dimension can describe the wear mass loss of PTFE composite .

  6. 纳米碳化硅颗粒强化氧化铝基陶瓷材料机理的研究现状

    Research Status of Nano-scale Silicon Carbide Particle Strengthening Alumina-based Composite Ceramics

  7. 纳米碳化硅基复相陶瓷的分散和烧结技术研究进展

    Development of Dispersion and Sintering of Silicon Carbide Based Nano-composite Ceramics

  8. 螺旋波等离子体化学气相沉积法制备纳米碳化硅薄膜

    Nano Silicon Carbide Films Prepared by Helicon Wave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition

  9. 纳米碳化硅的高温高压稳定性研究

    Study on the Stability of Nanometer Silicon Carbon under High-Pressure and High-Temperature

  10. 纳米碳化硅的脉冲激光烧蚀沉积及其光学特性研究

    Preparation and Optical Properties of Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide Films with Pulse Laser Deposition

  11. 脉冲激光退火纳米碳化硅的光致发光

    Photoluminescence of Nano-SiC Annealed by Pulse Laser

  12. 采用超声电沉积方法在20钢基体上制备了镍/纳米碳化硅的复合镀层。

    Ni / nano-SiC composite coatings were obtained by ultrasonic-electrodepositing method on 20 steel substrate .

  13. 纳米碳化硅-镍复合电镀的研究

    A Study of Ni-SiC Nano-Composite Plating Process

  14. 衬底偏压对纳米碳化硅薄膜的微观结构和能带结构的影响

    Effect of Substrate Bias Voltage on Microstructures and Energy Band Structures of Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide Films

  15. 结果表明产物为纯度较高的纳米碳化硅粉末与碳化硅晶须的混合物。

    The result shows that the product is a mixture of pure nanometer silicon carbide powder and whisker .

  16. 最终利用清洗后的硅废料在氩气氛围保护的电炉中,在1550℃的高温条件下,使用碳热还原法成功地制备了纳米碳化硅晶须。

    Finally , carbon thermal reduction method was successfully used to preparing nano silicon carbide whisker at 1550 ℃ and in the protection of argon .

  17. 进而得出以下结论:(1)用溶胶凝胶和碳热还原法,制备了不同形貌的纳米碳化硅颗粒和碳化硅纳米线。

    Achieved results are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) Nano-SiC particles and wires with different morphologies were made by the method of Sol-gel and carbothermal reduction .

  18. 本文分别以微米和纳米碳化硅粉末为原料,采用粉末冶金的烧结工艺,成功的制备了纳米多孔碳化硅,并分析了多孔碳化硅的结构,同时测试了其光致发光谱。

    In this paper , micrometer and nanometer SiC powder were respectively sintered as employed in powder metallurgy , nanometer porous SiC was successfully prepared with its microstructure analyzed and its photoluminescence tested .

  19. 制得的纳米碳化硅晶须,因为拥有优良的物理、化学性质,有希望被广泛地应用于国防、环保、能源、航空、交通等等各个领域,具有很高的商业应用价值。

    Prepared nano silicon carbide whiskers have excellent physical and chemical properties , so it is hopeful to be widely used in national defense , environmental protection , energy , aviation and transport fields , with high value commercial applications .

  20. 在制备纳米碳化硅薄膜的沉积过程中,随着四甲基硅烷浓度的增大,纳米碳化硅晶体结构由六方转变为立方结构,颗粒形状由球状变为菜花状。

    During the deposition of nanocrystalline silicon carbide films , with the increase of tetramethylsilane concentration in the reactive gas source , the crystal structure of silicon carbide whose grain size decreases changes from hexagonal to cubic and the particle shape changes from spherical to cauliflower-like .

  21. 纳米碳化硅晶粒界面较高的缺陷态密度导致载流子俘获几率增加,非辐射复合几率减小,纳米β-SiC薄膜表现较长的载流子衰减时间。

    The longer decay time of nanocrystalline β - SiC films is attributed to the higher defect state density in the gain interface when the size of β - SiC grain in nanometer size , which will increase the trapping rates of excess carriers and decrease the nonradiative probabilities .

  22. HFCVD法制备纳米晶体碳化硅薄膜中氢流量对晶粒尺寸的影响

    Influence of Hydrogen Flow on Grain Size of Nano-Crystalline Sic Films Grown by HFCVD Method

  23. 采用XeCl准分子脉冲激光退火技术制备了纳米晶态碳化硅薄膜(nc-SiC),并对薄膜的光致发光(PL)特性进行了分析。

    Nanocrystalline silicon carbon ( nc-SiC ) from amorphous silicon carbon films was obtained through XeCl excimer laser annealing .

  24. 纳米多孔碳化硅的烧结制备工艺及特性研究

    Research on Technology and Characteristics of Nanometer Porous SiC Prepared by Sintering

  25. 本文以亚微米级碳化硅为主要原料,通过添加不同含量的纳米级碳化硅、石墨和少量的硝酸铝、硝酸钇,利用真空烧结工艺在1500℃反应烧结制备碳化硅陶瓷。

    In the present thesis , the sub-micron silicon carbide powder was used the main starting material , and through appending the different content of nano-SiC and graphite , was used to prepare silicon carbide ceramics by using vacuum sintering processes at 1500 ℃ .

  26. 采用碳纳米管制备的碳化硅纳米晶须研究

    Study on the Silicon Carbide Nanorods Produced from Carbon Nanotubes

  27. 通过控制无压埋烧条件制备了85Al2O3/SiC纳米复合陶瓷,重点研究了纳米碳化硅对复合陶瓷耐磨损性能的影响。

    85Al2O3 / SiC nanocomposites with different amounts of SiC nano-particles dispersed in low-grade alumina powder were prepared by pressureless sintering in reduced atmosphere . The wet erosive wear resistance has been studied to evaluate the surface mechanical properties of 85Al2O3 / SiC nanocomposites .

  28. 掺杂纳米晶体荧光粉沉淀-喷雾干燥法制备纳米晶碳化硅粉体

    Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide Powder by Precipitaion-spray Drying