
  1. 在巴西,Embrapa的位于圣保罗的农业设备部门的国立农业企业纳米技术应用实验室已经开发出了一种廉价的光学传感器,它利用了纳米组装薄膜评估自然水源的酸性。

    Has developed a cheap optical sensor incorporating nano-assembled films to evaluate the acidity of natural water supplies .

  2. 纳米技术应用于肝细胞癌介入治疗

    Nanotechnology application in the interventional therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma

  3. 纳米技术应用不当,将威胁信息安全;

    If we use nanotechnology improperly , it will imperil information 's secure ;

  4. 关于纳米技术应用的伦理思考

    As for Applied Ethics in Namo Technique Consider

  5. 纳米技术应用于木材改性的实验研究

    Experimental Studies on Wood-modification through Nano-techonology

  6. 目的研究纳米技术应用于旅行用品抗菌防臭效果,以期为旅行者提供良好的旅行用品。

    Objective Study the effect of nanometer technique on antibacterial and deodorization in travel towel to provide better products for international travelers .

  7. 但是纳米粒子实在太微小,结果引发了大量争论。其中最主要的指责就是纳米技术应用泛滥,已经超出了控制。

    But for something so tiny , these nanoparticles cause massive debate , the main charge being that their application has outrun regulation .

  8. 近年来,将纳米技术应用于生物分析化学,在生物检测、纳米生物传感器、纳米生物芯片等方面显示出光明的发展前景。

    Recently , the integration of nanotechnology with biology and analytical chemistry has broad implications in a variety of areas including nano-biosensor and nano-biochips .

  9. 是福是祸?是生存还是毁灭?取决于人类对技术行为的理智选择,对纳米技术应用的理性思考。

    The blessing or scourge , survival or destruction depends on the rational choice and thinking on the behavior and application of nanotechnology of human being .

  10. 在介绍、分析现有边界润滑技术的基础上,提出将纳米技术应用于边界润滑领域,并探讨了纳米技术在边界润滑领域的应用所引起的可能突破。

    The present situation of boundary lubrication is introduced . On this base , nanometer technique is suggested to be used in the realm of boundary lubrication , and the possible results are discussion either .

  11. 纳米技术应用于在纺织品上时要考虑晶体结构的控制,机械性能的提高,抵抗化学品和微生物及阻燃、抗热性能的提高,电学性质、染色力的提高等。

    The use of nanotechnology in textiles can allow for the control of crystal structure , improved mechanical properties , improved resistance to chemicals , microbes , flame , and heat , improved electrical properties , improved coloration ability , and self-cleaning clothing .

  12. 核酸信号放大检测及纳米技术的应用

    Development and application of signal amplification method for nucleic acid assays

  13. 家纺产品功能化与纳米技术的应用

    Application for homespun fabric product function with nanometer technical

  14. 纳米技术的应用也可能引发相应的军事、政治伦理问题。

    Nanotechnology 's application may lead to some corresponding military affairs ethical issues .

  15. 织物微元粒功能化整理家纺产品功能化与纳米技术的应用

    Functional Finishing with Microcapsule technique Application for homespun fabric product function with nanometer technical

  16. 因此,在不久的将来,纳米技术的应用将越来越广泛。

    The widespread use of nanotechnology , therefore , is inevitable and will increase rapidly in the near future .

  17. 本文从生物医学的众多技术之一&克隆技术,展望了纳米技术的应用前景。

    This paper views the application perspective of nanotechnology in cloning technique which is one of the techniques of biomedicine .

  18. 近年来,随着纳米技术的应用和发展,自旋极化电子输运问题已经成为凝聚态物理研究中的重要领域之一。

    Recently , with the application and development of the nano-technology , the research about the spin-polarized electron transport has become an important field in condensed matter physics .

  19. 纳米技术的应用给果蔬保鲜领域提供了一种新模式,壳聚糖涂膜材料中添加纳米材料来强化保鲜效果成为当前的研究热点。

    Nano-technology brings a new pattern to the area of food storage . By adding nano-particles into chitosan film material to enhance the storage effect is a hot subject .

  20. 本文分析和讨论了目前纳米加工技术应用的现状和问题,提出应用扫描探针显微技术原理于材料的纳米加工,实现可在原位进行材料去除,实用且可靠的纳米加工方法;

    Nanometer scale machining used in engineering has been discussed in this paper , and a new method to cut material and to measure it on line at nanometer scale has been developed , by using SPM ( Scanning Probe Microscope ) in machining .

  21. 微纳米加工技术及其应用综述

    Overview of micro / nanofabrication technologies and applications

  22. 数值算法及计算机拟合在纳米技术中的应用

    The application of computer simulation in Nano technology

  23. 文章还讨论了纳米光刻技术的应用前景。

    Future prospects are finally discussed .

  24. 纳米技术的广阔应用前景

    The broad application prospects of Nanotechnology

  25. 对纳米技术在陶瓷应用中存在的问题进行了分析,展望了纳米技术对陶瓷未来的影响。

    This article was aimed at providing information on the problems that occur during the application of nano-technology and the developing orientation of nanometer technology in fields of ceramics .

  26. 简要评述了纳米材料技术及其应用开发成果,预测纳米技术的前景及未来发展方向。

    The nano-material and corresponding technology as well as their application were short reviewed in this paper . Besides , the future and the development on the nano technology are aslo forecasted .

  27. 但是也有很多理由对一些事情保持乐观,即我们可以克服这些挑战,并且通过克服这些挑战,纳米技术可以为应用现代技术满足发展需求开创一个新的范式。

    But there are many reasons to be optimistic that we can overcome these challenges and , by doing so , that nanotechnology can pioneer a new paradigm for applying modern technology to development needs .

  28. 近年来,纳米技术的广泛应用导致了能源、电子器件、生物医药等领域的快速发展,特别是薄膜太阳能电池、纳米传感技术得到了迅速发展。

    In recent years , the wide applications of nanotechnology has resulted in rapid developments in fields of energy , electronics and medicine , especially for fast development of thin film solar cells and ultrasensitive sensor technology .

  29. 纳米技术的商业应用也逐步增多,包括电子技术、运动服装、轮胎、耐污染衣料、化妆品以及诊断成像或投送药物的载体。

    The use of nanotechnology in commercial applications is increasing in many scientific disciplines , including electronics , sporting goods , tires , stain-resistant clothing , cosmetics , and medicines for diagnosis , imaging , and drug delivery .

  30. 随着纳米技术的广泛应用,许多人想到利用纳米粒子提高环氧树脂的韧性,这种材料强度基本不降低或降低很少,但也存在着制备工艺复杂,生产成本高,易团聚的问题。

    Along with nano-technology wide using , many people use nano-particle to toughen epoxy . This kind of material seldom reduce strength , but it has many problems including complexity of preparation technics , high production cost and reunite easily .