
  • 网络The Na'vi
  1. 地球人想要抢夺纳美人的土地和资源。

    The people from the Earth want to take the Na'vi 's land and resources .

  2. 《阿凡达》中纳美人的居住地“潘多拉”就是以这个风景区为灵感创造出来的。

    The stunning scenery in the area was the inspiration for ' Pandora ' , the home of the Na'vi people in the Oscar-winning film from James Cameron .

  3. 最爽外星纳美人世界的3D体验,尽在《阿凡达》。

    Have you ever experienced Na'avi world in 3D . " Avatar " gives you 。

  4. 所以纳美人不得不奋起反抗。一名叫杰克的残疾士兵也帮助他们战斗。

    So Na'vis have to fight back , and Jake , a disabled soldier helps them .

  5. 纳美人的“宝宝们”有各种各样的样子,有安静地睡觉的姿势,也有爬着的、还有笑着的。

    The baby Na'vis come in a range of poses , from sleeping peacefully , crawling and laughing .

  6. 纳美人不单从外形上像印第安人,在生活方式、历史遭遇以及世界观上更是与印第安人如出一辙。

    The Na'vis and the Indians are alike not only in the appearance , but also in the way of life , historic sufferings and worldview .

  7. 出于尚未完全清楚的原因,硅胶婴儿玩偶制造商Babyclon已经制作出了一系列纳美人“宝宝”,每个“宝宝”都被涂上了这一类人种族所独特的蓝色花纹。

    Sillicone baby doll manufacture Babyclon has , for reasons not entirely clear , created a range of Na'vi babies , all painted in the distinctive blue hue of the humanoid species .

  8. 许多村民装扮成热门电影《阿凡达》中的形像。这部电影讲述的是潘多拉星球的纳美人为保护他们的森林免被商业开发而与地球人对抗的故事。

    Many were dressed in outfits designed to evoke a Cambodian version of the hit film " Avatar , " which depicts the struggle of an alien race battling to save their forest from commercial exploitation .