
  1. 多斯拉克人从不乘船,小孩子都知道.

    The Dothraki don 't sail . Every child knows that .

  2. 我以为多斯拉克人不信赖金钱.

    Daenerys : I thought the Dothraki didn 't believe in money .

  3. 很快多斯拉克人从不在一个地方久留

    Soon . The Dothraki never stay still for long .

  4. 我觉得这不是多斯拉克人的风格。

    I I don 't think that this is the Dothraki way .

  5. 多斯拉克人有两样东西最多:青草和马。

    The Dothraki have two things in abundance : Grass and horses .

  6. 多斯拉克人从未渡过峡海.

    The Dothraki have never crossed the Narrow Sea .

  7. 多斯拉克人并非以守时闻名

    The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality .

  8. 多斯拉克人不信赖金钱.

    The Dothraki don 't believe in money .

  9. 多斯拉克人嘲笑他的脆弱。

    The Dothraki make mock of his weakness .

  10. 有人喊了一句,其他多斯拉克人纷纷大笑。

    One of the others barked out a comment , and the Dothraki laughed .

  11. 你觉得我像多斯拉克人吗?

    Do you take me for a Dothraki ?

  12. 多斯拉克人行事自有其步调和理由

    The Dothraki do things in their own time , for their own reasons .

  13. 多斯拉克人不事买卖,但他们收发礼物。

    Dothraki did not buy or sell , but they gave gifts and received them .

  14. 多斯拉克人跌跌撞撞地让开。

    Dothraki scrambled to clear a path .

  15. 你在维斯特洛伊也该知道多斯拉克人对城镇没有兴趣。

    The Dothraki are not fond of towns , you will know this even in Westeros .

  16. 每当多斯拉克人在战斗中落败

    When Dothraki are defeated in combat

  17. 一打心跳声之后他们已经飞过了多斯拉克人,他的马依然在身后飞奔着。

    In a dozen heartbeats they were past the Dothraki , as he galloped far below .

  18. 但是倘若多斯拉克人真的入侵,

    but should the Dothraki invade ,

  19. 他们皆为奴隶,是总督熟识的众多多斯拉克人酋长中某一位致赠的礼物。

    They were slaves , a gift from one of the magister 's many Dothraki friends .

  20. 如果我哥哥真得到了多斯拉克人的军队,你们能征服七国吗?

    If my brother was given an army of Dothraki , could you conquer the Seven Kingdoms ?

  21. 多斯拉克人认为,有朝一日鬼草将覆盖一切,世界就是这么完蛋的。

    The Dothraki believe that one day it will cover everything that 's the way the world will end .

  22. 反正都是肉,波隆耸肩道,跟牛肉和猪肉相比,多斯拉克人还更爱马肉呢。

    Meat is meat , Bronn said with a shrug . The Dothraki like horse more than beef or pork .

  23. 多斯拉克人认为有朝一日鬼草会占据全世界,到那时,一切的生命便将结束。

    The Dothraki claim that someday ghost grass will cover the entire world , and then all life will end .

  24. 多斯拉克人吃马肉是千真万确的事,他们还放任畸形儿自生自灭,留给跟在卡拉萨后面的野狗吃。

    The Dothraki ate horse , in truth ; they also left deformed children out for the feral dogs who ran behind their khalasars .

  25. 只要多斯拉克人待在狭海对岸,纵有百万大军又有何惧。

    Even a million Dothraki are no threat to the realm , as long as they remain on the other side of the Narrow Sea .

  26. 她催马飞奔,多斯拉克人纷纷闪开,一边对她又叫又笑。

    She sent it into a gallop , and now the Dothraki were hooting and laughing and shouting at her as they jumped out of her way .

  27. 预告片中出现的新事物包括二丫看见龙飞过头顶的时候,无垢者和多斯拉克人在往临冬城前行。这也是她第一次看到龙。

    New things glimpsed in the trailer include the Unsullied and Dothraki arriving at Winterfell as Arya watches Drogon fly overhead - her first glimpse of a dragon .

  28. 多斯拉克人是个严酷无情的民族,按他们的习俗从不为动物取名字,所以丹妮只把它当作自己的小银马。

    The Dothraki were a hard and unsentimental people , and it was not their custom to name their animals , so Dany thought of her only as the silver .

  29. 当多斯拉克人死了,他和他的马要一起放在柴堆上火化,这样他死后才能继续骑着马在星空间奔驰。

    When a Dothraki man dies , he is burned on a pyre along with his horse , so that even in the afterlife he may continue riding among the stars .

  30. 就让哪个满脑子贵族梦的佣兵喝醉酒去杀杀看吧,八成会失手,往后多斯拉克人定会多加提防。

    Let some sellsword drunk on visions of lordship try to kill her . Likely he 'll make a botch of it , and afterward the Dothraki will be on their guard .