
  • 网络MCA;Multi-Channel pulse height Analyser
  1. 一种用CPLD和单片机实现的多道脉冲幅度分析器

    A MCA with CPLD and MCU

  2. 基于Windows的多道脉冲幅度分析器的软件开发

    MS Windows based software development for multi-channel pulse amplitude analyzer

  3. 轻便型X荧光仪多道脉冲幅度分析器的研制

    Research of a Portable X Ray Fluorescence Multi Channel Analyzer

  4. 基于DSP系统的多道脉冲幅度分析器设计

    Design of a Multi-Channel Analyzer Based on DSP System

  5. 研制了符合PC/104标准的信号处理模块,包括1024道的多道脉冲幅度分析器和采用数字电位器的稳谱电路。

    Researched and produced the signal processing module with PC / 104 standard , including 1024 channels analyzer and fixing spectrum circuit using digitally controlled potentiometer .

  6. 本文采用MATLAB编程为低本底反康普顿高纯锗γ谱仪这样精确的多道脉冲幅度分析器提供了数据处理能力,很好的补充了它的缺陷。

    This paper offer data processing ability for low background ant-compton HPGe γ instrument that is accurate multi-channel amplitude analyzer by adopting MATLAB program , and well complement it 's disfigurement .

  7. 介绍了PC104嵌入式微机总线的结构和功能,并研制了总线式多道脉冲幅度分析器(MCA)。

    This paper expatiates on the bus structure and develop the bus mode Multi-Channel Analyzer ( MCA ) .

  8. 文章对USB技术应用于多道脉冲幅度分析器的可行性进行了分析,并重点介绍了它的设计方法,包括硬件设计、设备固件设计、设备驱动程序设计以及应用程序设计。

    The feasibility of application USB to MCA is analyzed , and design method of MCA based on USB is discussed , including hardware design , device firmware design , device driver design and application program design .

  9. 另一种多道脉冲幅度分析器死时间的数字测量方法

    Another Digital Measurement Method for Dead-Time of Multichannel Pulse Amplitude Analyzer

  10. 多道脉冲幅度分析器死时间问题探讨

    Study on the deadtime of analyzer for pulse range of multi-channel

  11. PC/104总线式多道脉冲幅度分析器的设计

    Design of the PC / 104 Bus Mode Multi-channel Analyzer

  12. 多道脉冲幅度分析器微分线性检验中的计数统计涨落

    Statistical fluctuation of counts in testing multiple channel amplitude analyzer for differential linearity

  13. GB/T4833-1997多道脉冲幅度分析器主要性能、技术要求和测试方法

    " Multichannel pulse height analyzers Main characteristics , technical requirements and test methods "

  14. 多道脉冲幅度分析器多通道实用信号分析仪

    Multichannel pulse amplitude analyzer nel applicative signal analyzer

  15. 单板机多道脉冲幅度分析器

    A sbc-based multi - channel pulse amplitude analyser

  16. 多道脉冲幅度分析器是核能谱测量中的必备仪器。

    The multi-channel pulse amplitude analyzer has been widely used in the nuclear spectrum measurement .

  17. 多道脉冲幅度分析器

    Multichannel pulse amplitude analyzer

  18. 通过对标准核能谱仪多道脉冲幅度分析器的检测试验,该仪器达到了高精度、高稳定性的技术指标,满足了用户的生产需求。

    Tests of the pulse generator on MCAs show that the goal of high-precision and high-stabilities to meet requirements of various applications has been realized .

  19. 另外由于探测器输出脉冲信号底部较宽,脱尾严重,不能满足多道脉冲幅度分析器的要求。

    Moreover because the detector output pulse signal base is very broad , its scope has a long tail , it can not adapt to request of the multichannel pulse amplitude analyzer .

  20. 通过该思路,利用脉冲中子发生器,控制电路,多道脉冲幅度分析器对煤中灰份的含量进行了测量,提出了一种实时、安全的快速检测方法。

    Utilizing the pulse neutron generator working with controlled circuit and time amplitude converter , the ash content in coal is measured , and we provides a safe and on line methods .

  21. 采用的仪器是由238Pu同位素源、正比计数管、多道脉冲幅度分析器、便携微机系统等组成的能量色散型分析仪,具有自动稳谱功能。

    The instrument is an energy dispersive analyzer consisting of 238 Pu isotope resource , direct ratio counter , multi channel pulse amplitude analyser and portable computer system , and has a function of automatic spectrum stabilization .

  22. 核分析能谱测量所用的多道脉冲幅度分析器,在进行模数转换时需要一定的时间,会使分析器产生漏计数,给测量分析带来误差,需要对死时间进行修正。

    The lose of count in multi Channel pulse amplitude analyzer can produce the error of measured results . For nuclear spectrum measurement in nuclear analysis , the correction of dead time in multi channel pulse amplitude analyzer must be considered .

  23. 一般探测器输出脉冲信号幅度为几十毫伏,而多道脉冲幅度分析器输入脉冲幅度要求为1-10V,所以脉冲线性放大器必须具有一定的电压放大增益,为数倍到上百倍。

    The common detector output pulse signal scope is several dozens millivolts , but the multichannel pulse analyzer input pulse amplitude request is 1-15V , therefore the pulse linear amplifier must have the certain voltage gain , about ten times to several times .