
  • 【物】atomic nuclear physics
  1. 采用PC&1500计算机BASIC语言编写的一个原子核物理实验数据分析处理软件包,为原子核物理实验提供了一个理想的实验数据处理工具。

    PC-1500 BASIC language , a practical software tools is designed for the nuclear physics experimental data-handling .

  2. 关于多媒体在原子核物理教学中的应用;

    On the applications of multimedia technique to nuclear physics teaching ;

  3. 它的主要设备情况良好,一旦恢复使用,将成为原子核物理,生物诱变,材料改性等科研工作的重要工具。

    The main equipment of the Ion Electrostatic Accelerator is in good condition .

  4. 清华大学物理系原子核物理研究的新进展

    New progress of research on nuclear physics in Department of Physics of Tsinghua University

  5. 原子核物理实验中一个实用软件包

    A practical software tool of nuclear physics experiment

  6. 他现在领导德国科隆大学原子核物理研究所。

    He now leads the Institute for Nuclear Physics at the University of Cologne in Germany .

  7. 原子核物理的新发展

    New Development of Nuclear Physics

  8. 高能碰撞中的J/ψ粒子产生是当前原子核物理和粒子物理研究的前沿问题之一。

    The production of J / ψ in high energy collisions has been one of the most active frontiers in nuclear physics and particle physics .

  9. 在声学、光学、电学、原子核物理及各种工程技术领域中,都会遇到各种各样的共振现象。

    In contrast , optical , electrical , and the field of nuclear physics and engineering technology , it will run into all sorts of resonance phenomena .

  10. 在理论上,从分子和细胞水平上研究生物体的电离辐射损伤是辐射生物学与放射医学的基础,是涉及原子核物理、医学、化学和生物等学科交叉的一个重要的前沿领域。

    In theory , the objects from the graduate students in molecular and cellular levels of ionizing radiation damage is the basis of radiation biology and radiation medicine , involves an important frontier of nuclear physics , medicine , chemical and biological interdisciplinary .

  11. 我校从美国引进一台4MeV范德格喇夫静电离子加速器。它的主要设备情况良好,一旦恢复使用,将成为原子核物理,生物诱变,材料改性等科研工作的重要工具。

    ZhengZhou university has fetch an Ion Electrostatic Accelerator from USA. The main equipment of the Ion Electrostatic Accelerator is in good condition . If it is used again it will be the important implement of science research about atomic nucleus physics , biology aberrance and material denaturalization .

  12. 原子能院核物理与工业同位素仪表研究的新进展

    Progress of Studies on Nuclear Physics and Industry Isotope Instruments in CIAN

  13. 核自旋极化的惰性气体原子在诸如核物理、材料科学和磁共振成像等许多领域中都有着广泛的应用,核自旋极化技术涉及领域很广,包括原子、分子和光学物理等等。

    Nuclear spin-polarized noble-gas atoms find a wide variety of applications in numerous fields such as nuclear physics , material sciences and magnetic resonance imaging . The technologies of nuclear spin polarization involve broad areas of atomic , molecular and optical physics .

  14. 以原子物理、原子核物理以及粒子物理中的一些实例,论述了类比方法在近代物理发展中的作用。

    This paper describes the effect of analogical method in moden physics by using some examples in atomic physics , atomic nucleus physics and particle physics .

  15. 原子核中结团的形成是原子核多体动力学的一个重要表现方面,对原子核中结团运动和结团结构的研究是当前原子核物理的热点之一。

    The formation of clusters in nuclei is a fundamental aspect of nuclear many-body dynamics , and the investigation of the nuclear cluster motion and structure becomes one of hot topics in nuclear physics .