
  1. 蛇毒中抗癌组分对Hca-16局部肿瘤生长抑制的实验研究报告

    Research on the check of antitumor fraction in snake venom on the gowth of partial tumour hca-16 strain

  2. 采煤机螺旋滚筒模拟装煤实验研究报告

    Experimental Investigations by Simulation of Loading Performance of Shearer Spiral Drums

  3. 大学英语语篇阅读教学实验研究报告

    The Research Report on Teaching Experiment for College English Discourse Reading

  4. 感官残疾人认知特点的系列实验研究报告

    Reporte of a Series Experimental Studies on Sensory Impairing Children

  5. 初中学生心理素质教育实验研究报告

    The research report on middle school students ' psychological quality

  6. 天冬胶栓塞作用的实验研究报告

    A experimental study on embolization effect of asparagus colloid

  7. 小学低年级作文起步成篇实验研究报告

    Report on Experiment of Writing Composition in Elementary School

  8. 关于两项样例学习心理实验研究报告的分析与评论

    Logical analyses of two psychological experiments on example learning

  9. 中学开设创新思维训练课程的实验研究报告

    An Experimental Research Report on Opening of Innovation Thinking Training Course in Middle School

  10. 小学生创造能力培养的研究与实验研究报告

    A Report on the Study and Experiment Concerning the Cultivation of Pupils ' Creative Ability

  11. 中小学情感教育及教师情感性素质培养实验研究报告

    The Emotion Education in Primary and Middle Schools and the Experimental Research Report in Teachers ' Quality Cultivation of Emotion

  12. 微格教研:提高教师教学素质的新途径&在职教师微格教研实验研究报告

    Micro teaching and research as new approaches to improve teaching performance & Experimental report on training in micro teaching for in-service teachers

  13. 本文为实验研究报告,以随机方法抽取广西师范大学外国语学院课程与教学论、英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学专业研究生作为研究对象样本。

    The participants of the research were selected by random sampling from the English postgraduates of College of Foreign Studies in Guangxi Normal University .

  14. 综合型人工肝支持治疗装置的实验研究初步报告

    Preliminary Report of Experimental Research on Hybrid Artificial Liver Support System

  15. 异位并列心脏及单侧肺同种移植实验研究初步报告

    Preliminary Report of Experimental Study in Heterotopic Heart-Single Lung Transplantation

  16. 胚胎干细胞视网膜下移植实验研究初步报告

    A preliminary report on experimental studies of embryonic stem cells transplanted into subretinal space

  17. Nd:YAG激光处理犬牙髓实验研究初步报告

    Preliminary Report on the Effect of Nd ∶ YAG Laser Irradiation on Canine Tooth Pulps

  18. 速尿在大量输液治疗失血性休克时的效应&实验研究初步报告

    The effect of furosemide in the treatment of hemorrhagic shock with massive fluid infusion : an experimental study

  19. 如果有实验性研究报告能证明这种研究方式的有效性,人们将能更加从容自信地进行服饰的选择了。

    One could proceed with much greater confidence if published experimental studies gave actual validity findings To our knowledge , none have appeared in the literature .

  20. 构建壮族地区初中英语课堂教学模式实验专题研究报告就壮族地区初中英语课堂教学模式的研究目的、理论框架、操作框架、成效以及存在不足作了总结,以推动壮族地区初中英语教学改革。

    This report summarizes research aim , theoretical frame , operation frame , effect and defect in the junior English teaching mode in Zhuang region for the purpose of promoting English teaching reform .

  21. 冬虫夏草抗角膜移植排斥反应实验研究的初步报告

    Experimental study on antirejection of cordyceps in penetrating keratoplasty of heterograft

  22. 异种半月板移植实验研究的初步报告

    Xenogenic meniscus transplantation : preliminary report of an experimental study

  23. 钩藤总碱与钩藤碱神经阻滞作用实验研究的初步报告

    Experimental Study of the Effect of Rhynchophylla Alkaloids and Rhynchophylline on the Nerve

  24. 鲜核桃乳实验研究的初步报告

    Preliminary Pharmacodynamic Studies of the Fresh Walnut Milk

  25. 支气管栓塞肺减容术实验研究的初步报告

    Lung volume reduction by bronchial embolization in an animal model : a preliminary report

  26. 合成人降钙素基因实验研究的初步报告

    Preliminary study of human calcitonin gene synthesis

  27. 广汉县农业现代化科学实验基地综合研究报告

    Report of the comprehensive research on the science experimental base for the agriculture modernization in Guanghan County

  28. 密歇根州立大学的安玛丽瑞恩教授对志愿者们做了一项实验,该研究报告发表在《女性心理学季刊》杂志上。

    Professor Ann Marie Ryan of Michigan State University conducted an experiment with volunteers for the research journal Psychology of Women Quarterly .

  29. 先进的微波管计算机实验研究/最终进展报告

    Advanced Microwave Tube Computer Experiments Research ; Final Progress rept . 1 May 1996-30 Apr 2000

  30. 这样你需要养成习惯,经常思考你选择的实验或研究主题在报告里应该如何呈现,

    You will need , therefore , to develop the habit of thinking about how the ideas that you 're entertaining for your experiment or study will look in the report ,