
  1. 通过选取母语为汉语的河南省鹤壁市鹤山区实验高中学生为被试,设计语法试卷,考察了学生英语WH从属疑问句的学习。

    The writer chooses the students in Heshan District Experimantal Senior High School in Hebi City of Henan Province as the participants . Through a grammar test , this thesis investigates students ' acquisition of the English WH-subordinate interrogatives ( EWSI ) .

  2. 模拟实验在高中生物教学中的探索

    The Exploration of Simulation Experiment in High School 's Biology Teaching

  3. 东方实验中学高中生物理学习方式的调查研究

    Investigation of Physics Studying Methods of Senior Students in Oriental Experiment High School

  4. 实验以高中二年级学生为被试。

    The participants were the students in Grade Two of a senior middle school .

  5. 本实验通过高中物理研究性课堂教学模式来培养学生研究性学习方式。

    The test is to train the research learning way of students through the physical research class teaching pattern of high school .

  6. 实验是高中化学教科书的重要组成部分,对其进行科学比较和评价意义重大。

    Experiment is an important part of the chemistry textbooks in high school , and it has great significance to carry on the scientific evaluation and comparison .

  7. 通过虚拟实验在高中物理教学中的应用,给出了不同教学模式下的具体操作方法。

    Through the application of the fictitious experiment in the physics teaching of high school , the paper provides the concrete working technique under different teaching mode .

  8. 实验是高中生物教学的主要内容之一,提高生物科学素养是新课改的重中之重。

    Experiment is one of the major bioscience teaching contents in senior high school . Developing bioscience quality is the most important goal in the new curriculum reform .

  9. 运用了文献研究法、教育实验法对高中生物学科探究性学习策略的理论和实践进行了研究。

    This paper develops theoretical and practical research according to the teaching strategy of inquiry learning .

  10. 使用新实验教材以后高中学生化学探究学习能力的评价

    Appraisement of Senior High School Students ' Chemistry Exploring Learning Ability after Using New Chemistry Experimental Schoolbooks

  11. 因此,实验教学在高中物理学科教学中占有极其重要的地位。

    Therefore , the experiment teaching occupies the very and important position in senior high school physics course teaching .

  12. 新课程改革把实验作为贯穿高中化学课程的经脉,突出了以实验为基础的化学学科特点。

    New curriculum reform spreads chemical experiment throughout the whole senior high school , featuring the basis of chemical experiment characteristics .

  13. 通过将微型化学实验与现行高中化学几个典型实验进行整合,摸索出比较合理的实验设计,得到明显的实验效果。

    This paper integrates miniature experiments with several typical chemical experiments of senior high school to find comparable designs of experiments . And it obtains obvious experimental effects .

  14. 本研究从认知理论出发,借助善学者与不善学者的对比实验,探讨高中生在英语学习中使用策略的情况,试图回答以下问题:1善学者与不善学者在外语学习上策略使用是否不同?

    The author attempts to answer the following research questions : 1 . Do good and poor Chinese EFL learners differ in their use of strategies in language learning ?

  15. 21世纪初,我国颁发了《普通高中化学课程标准》(实验),高中化学课程标准实验教材也相继出版。到2006年秋季,高中化学新课程必修教材将在全国10余省市试用。

    The ordinary high school chemical course standard ( experiment ) has been published , then the chemical experimental text of senior high school , So that it is necessary to do the research on the Text .

  16. 通过实验转向后高中渗透率岩心的进液比小于4,减少了非均质性,且对酸液的转向率达到90%以上,起到了均匀布酸的作用。

    After the experimental turning , the entering fluid proportion of high and middle permeable core is less than 4 , reducing the heterogeneity . The turning percent of acid fluid reaches more than 90 % with the acid well distributed .

  17. 2004年9月,我国广东、山东、海南、宁夏四省(区)开始普通高中新课程实验后,高中课改成了我国教育界关注的焦点之一,高中新课程教师培训也备受关注。

    Curriculum reform of higher school became one of focuses of educational circles , as Guangdong , Shandong , Hainan and Ningxia entered new curriculum experiment in senior high school in Sep.2004 . And new curriculum physics teacher training in senior high school is paid more attention .

  18. 以实验为基础的高中化学教学设计

    The Experiment-Based Instructional Design for Chemistry of Senior Middle Schools

  19. 通过实验发现它对于高中艺术生来说很有帮助。

    The experiment shows that it will be helpful for the art students in senior high school .

  20. 最后,通过设计教学实验具体阐述在高中英语教学中导入中国文化教学的原则,内容及方法。

    Finally , it will elaborate the teaching principles , contents and methods specifically through a teaching experiment .

  21. 实验性示范性高中建设的过程激励着学校主动去创造历史前进的主流。

    The process of the building of these schools stimulate them to create the main stream of history advancement .

  22. 实施实验性示范性高中建设,宗旨是引领普通高中全面实施素质教育。

    The tenet of the demonstrative high school construction is leading the ordinary high schools to implement the making education roundly .

  23. 物理学是一门实验学科;在高中物理教学中,实验教学贯穿于物理教学的始终。

    The physics are an experiment discipline ; In middle school physics teaching , experiment teaching penetration in physical teaching throughout .

  24. 实验性示范性高中建设是新世纪我国基础教育改革与发展中的重要工程。

    The building of experimental and demonstration senior high schools is the important project in the basic education reform and development in the new century .

  25. 笔者结合自己的教学实验探讨如何在高中英语新课程教学中有效运用问题教学模式。

    The author explored how to apply the Problem-Oriented Teaching Model effectively to the new English curriculum in senior middle schools by conducting a teaching experiment .

  26. 方法采用自编的高考焦虑问卷对283名高三学生进行问卷调查。运用文献资料法、教学实验法,探索高中学生自我锻炼能力的培养。

    Methods A total of 283 students in grade three in senior middle schools were tested by using the Inventory of Anxiety on the Entrance Examination for College .

  27. 研究认为,在所选取的调查对象中,实验性示范性高中的教师内在满意度和总体满意度明显高于其他两类学校;

    The study indicates : among the sample , the internal satisfaction and total satisfaction of teachers in campus high school is obviously high than other two type of school ;

  28. 课堂教学改革:实验性示范性高中建设的重要内涵&上海市实验性示范性高中建设课堂教学改革

    Classroom Teaching Reform : The Important Connotation of Building Experimental and Demonstration Senior High Schools & The Classroom Teaching Reform of Building Experimental and Demonstration Senior High Schools in Shanghai

  29. 在论述了学校发展规划的基本理论及存在的一般问题的基础上,最后一章则是重点谈上海市实验性示范性高中规划的评审工作。

    On the basis of the analysis of basic theory and general problems , the final part of the paper mainly discussed the evaluation work in sample high schools in Shanghai .

  30. 笔者运用了行动研究与文献研究相结合的方法,亲自实验并编写了高中地理活动系统答案集。

    In specific studies , the author used the method of combining action research with literature study , personally Senior experiments and the preparation of the answer set geographic system activity .