
  • 网络actual optical systems
  1. 对于实际光学系统,由于光的衍射和像差,使所成的点像为一弥散斑。

    However , for the actual optical system , its point image become a speckle because of diffraction of light and aberration .

  2. 研究为在快速成型技术中有效地利用紫外点光源的辐射能提供了充分的理论依据,同时对紫外光快速成型的实际光学系统的设计具有重要的指导作用。

    For utilizing the ultraviolet radiant energy in the stereolithography effectively , the research supplies theoretical basis and important guidance for the optical design of stereolithography .

  3. 提出了用实际光学成像系统参数确定频率带宽有限约束的方法。

    A method of determining band limitation of the point-spread function from the optical imaging system parameters is proposed .

  4. 以61单元自适应光学系统为例,讨论了实际自适应光学系统中控制带宽的优化选择问题。

    For an example , the problem of choosing the optimal control bandwidth of the61 element adaptive optics system is discussed .

  5. 计算结果表明,在利用波前斜率进行波前复原的实际自适应光学系统中,波前复原误差是利用波前最小方差法计算的波前拟合误差的1.24倍。

    The results show that the fitting error of the adaptive optics system is 1.24 times of that calculated using the least-squares-fit method .

  6. 分析并指出了教科书及光学软件中光学系统照度公式的不恰当地方,推导出了更符合实际的光学系统照度公式。

    Some improper points of system illuminance formula in the optics textbook and optical software have been found and analyzed , and more practical formula have been deduced .

  7. 一个实际的光学系统的成像质量将受到衍射的限制,在几何光学中研究光线的传播是具有近似性的。

    In the light of the near axis theory in geometrical optics , this paper discusses the imagery experiment and theory calculation when light goes through an optical system .

  8. 利用实际的光学4f系统进行光学实验,也能以良好的质量重构输入图像。

    Input images can also be reconstructed with good quality by optical experiment utilizing an actual optical 4f system .

  9. 在实际工作中光学系统会出现多种像差,所以对激光光束经过非理想光学系统的聚焦特性研究具有实际意义。

    In practice there will be a variety of aberrations , so the investigation of focusing properties of the laser beams passing through an non-ideal optical system has practical interest .