
shí dàn yǎn xí
  • live-fire exercise;practice with live ammunition
  1. 高原实弹演习对战士心理健康的影响及相关因素分析

    Mental Health of Soldiers in Mobile Troop after Live Ammunition on Plateau

  2. 韩国计划周末进行实弹演习。

    South Korea has planned a live-fire drill this weekend .

  3. 中国海军在南海进行实弹演习。

    Navy conducts live-ammunition training in South China Sea .

  4. 实弹演习几周前在以色列中部的一个空军基地进行。

    The live-fire drills took place in an air force base in central Israel a few weeks ago .

  5. 中国海军在东海海域已开始进行例行性实弹演习。

    China 's Navy has begun conducting its annual live ammunition exercises drill in the East China Sea .

  6. 目的:研究高原实弹演习对战士心理健康的影响,为部队卫生保障提供依据。

    Objective : To investigate the influence of live ammunition maneuver on mental health of soldiers in mobile troop .

  7. 在两位元首周一举行会谈时,俄罗斯军队、坦克和战机就在格鲁吉亚边界举行大规模实弹演习。

    As the presidents met Monday , Russian troops , tanks and warplanes conducted massive live-fire exercises just across the border from Georgia .

  8. 韩国国防部说,韩国海军陆战队在延坪岛上进行炮火实弹演习。这个岛屿在2010年曾经遭到朝鲜炮击。

    South Korea 's defense ministry says its marines are conducting a live-fire artillery drill on Yeonpyeong island , which was shelled by North Korea in 2010 .

  9. 为了给本国日趋高涨的对抗言论提供后盾,韩国周一在有争议的韩朝海上边界开始实弹演习。

    In order to back up increasingly robust rhetoric at home , South Korea on Monday started a live-firing exercise around the disputed maritime border with North Korea .

  10. 在实弹演习中迅猛摧毁菲律宾“首先向我舰队开火”的一艘舰艇或一个驻岛军事设施后,我国海空编队徐徐返航。

    In live-fire exercises swift to destroy Philippines " to me first fleet . " a ship or an island after the military facilities , China Sea Fleet slowly return .

  11. 中国表示,美国军用飞机进入禁飞区是“赤裸裸的挑衅行为”。据报道,这架飞机周二进入了中国人民解放军北部战区实弹演习禁飞区。

    China says the entry of a U.S. military plane in a no-fly zone is " purely provocative . " The plane reportedly entered airspace used for live-fire exercises by the Northern Theater of the People 's Liberation Army on Tuesday .

  12. 越南举行实弹海域演习-这一行为被北京视为严重的挑衅行为。

    Vietnam has held live-fire exercises off its coast-an action that was seen as a gross provocation by Beijing .

  13. 越南海军本周一举行了实弹射击演习,使其与中国最近的紧张关系上升到一个新高度。

    The Vietnamese Navy held a live fire drill throughout Monday , bringing recent tension with China to a new high .

  14. 朝鲜昨天发了一份传真警告它的南部邻国自己将进行实弹军事演习。

    The North sent a fax yesterday warning its southern neighbor that it would be doing life fire exercises meaning military exercises with actual weapons .

  15. 韩国计划今日在距离韩朝边界仅20公里的地方举行其历史上规模最大的实弹军事演习,此举有加剧朝鲜半岛紧张局势的风险。

    South Korea plans to conduct its largest-ever live-fire military drills only 20km short of the border with North Korea today in an operation that runs the risk of stoking tensions on the peninsula .

  16. 在NLL附近实弹射击与海军演习时有发生,因此朝鲜方面对于周二的事件并没有额外理由感到恐慌。

    Live-firing and naval exercises are common on the NLL , so there were no extra grounds to panic on Tuesday .