
  1. Google昨天发布了FastFlip,又一款Google实验室产品。它为用户提供了一种新方法,在桌面和移动设备上浏览新闻和博客。

    Yesterday , Google launched Fast Flip-a Google Labs product that wants to give users a new way to browse newspaper sites and blogs on their desktops and mobile devices .

  2. 结果实验室产品理化性能符合美国《药典》同类产品要求。

    Results The physicochemical properties of the laboratory product met the requirement of American Pharmacopoeia .

  3. 对重组木工业化产品进行了试验研究并与实验室产品进行了分析比较;

    Properties of product from production experiment are investigated and compared to those of product from laboratory preparing .

  4. 谷歌眼镜是谷歌旗下X实验室的产品。该实验室由谷歌共同创始人谢尔盖•布林(SergeyBrin)设立,其目的是用于豪赌无人驾驶汽车等项目。

    Glass is a product of Google 's X laboratory , which was set up under co-founder Sergey Brin to make big bets on projects such as driverless cars .

  5. 该设计方案和测量方法可用于企业实验室的产品测量和检验产品的研制开发。

    The design and measuring method can be used in the research and development for the instrument products .

  6. 国际领先的专业实验室对产品进行全方位检测,更多安全保证。

    The global advanced expertise lab gives throughout inspection of the product , that ensures it more security .

  7. 主要用作搪瓷锅及盖的把手,主要材料为酚醛塑料。酚醛塑料则完全是实验室的产品,是百分之百的合成物。

    These products made out of bakelite are mainly used as knobs for lids & handles for cookware .

  8. 环境试验设备正是模拟各种不同自然环境条件,使得在实验室检验产品应对不同环境的可靠性成为可能。

    The environmental test equipment simulates different environment and natural conditions in the laboratory test products to the reliability for different environment .

  9. 不要忘记说明的完整版本卡巴斯基实验室的产品和认真填写所有的注册信息。

    Don 't forget to indicate the full version of the Kaspersky Lab product and carefully fill in all the registration information .

  10. 依据新的认证制度,生产商必须向美国环保署授权的第三方认证机构提交申请,同时在美国环保署认可的实验室进行产品检测。

    Under the new certification process , the manufacturer must submit applications to third-party certification body authorized by EPA , while the products are tested by laboratory authorized by EPA .

  11. 所有最新获得测试实验室认证的产品将贴有一个新的‘OPC基金会认证’标志,从而为终端用户提供了卓越的保证。

    All products newly-certified by the Test Lab will carry a new'OPC Foundation Certified'logo , thus providing end users with an assurance of excellence .

  12. 现在,我已经在实验室仔细看过产品了。

    Now , I 've gone over this product pretty carefully in the lab.

  13. 对实验室来说了解产品和生产知识也很重要。

    It is equally important for the laboratory to have finished product and manufacturing knowledge .

  14. 供实验室和相关产品的供需方双参考。

    The article can be referred to for laboratory staff and supplying or demanding parties of related products .

  15. 与大学及其他专门科研机构相比,工业实验室直接面向产品的试验发展研究。

    It is a experiment development research agency as facing production against college and other Professional science research agency .

  16. 在实验室建设、产品种类及安装调试等方面,数字化语言实验室有着明显的优势。

    In the respects of lab building , product line , installing and adjusting , digital language lab has obvious advantage .

  17. 本实验室为满足公司产品升级需求,开发了基于ARM的医疗激光器智能控制系统,其中控制软件以前是采用MFC在WINDOWSCE平台上开发的。

    To meet the demand of production upgrading of the company , the laboratory has developed a medical lasers intelligent control system based on ARM , of which the control software previously uses MFC developed in Windows CE platform .

  18. 无论你是需要产验证产品测试结果还是利用实验室为你研发产品提供产品验证,DAVIS都是你的一站式的选择。

    Whether you need to provide validation of your product 's test result or need a lab to handle overflow during your product design period , DAVIS is your on stop station .

  19. 加强企业实验室能力建设促进产品质量稳定提高

    Strengthen the enterprise laboratory ability construcion promoting product quality stably

  20. 这个实验室还为扩音器产品评级。

    The lab also produces ratings for loudspeakers .

  21. 公司的质控实验室有力的保证产品符合所有技术规范的要求。

    An in house quality control laboratory guarantees that the product respects all the required technical specifications .

  22. 此外,对实验室葡萄糖酸钠产品的纯度、粒度分布、晶形等质量指标进行了测定,结果表明结晶产品的质量较好。

    In addition , some quality indexes of sodium gluconate products were determined , the results showed that the quality of the products was better .

  23. 过度洗涤会破坏文胸的弹性,而弹性是起到适当支撑作用所必需的,莱克西萨克斯这样说。她是好管家机构纺织品实验室的一名产品分析员。

    Over-washing can damage the elasticity , which is essential for providing the proper support , says Lexie Sachs , product analyst in the Textiles Lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute .

  24. 我们在自己的实验室开发和设计产品,并且经由顶尖的专业玩家测试,这些玩家在专业级的锦标赛中使用他们然后给予我们反馈。

    We develop and design our products in our own labs and then put them to the test with top professional gamers who use them in pro-level tournaments and then provide us with feedback .

  25. 根据农贸市场实验室性质及农产品流通情况,提出将流动检测车应用于农贸市场实验室的日常检测工作的建议,可以合理配置资源,减少浪费。

    Inspection van was suggested to be used in laboratories ' in farm markets daily detection work according to properties and agro-food distribution condition of the laboratories in farm markets . It can allocate resources reasonably and reduce waste .

  26. 每天他很早就来到公司,做完手头的工作,就在公司的实验室里做新产品试验。回到家中,就埋头钻研有关资料。

    Every day , he came to the company early , after finishing the work at hand , Wine would stay at the company 's lab and do experiments all day long and read related books when going home .

  27. 废气再循环技术是降低柴油机氮氧化物排放最为有效的方法之一,但是我国对这项技术的研究在目前来说仅仅在实验室进行,对于产品的应用还有相当大的距离。

    The exhaust gas recirculation technology is to reduce one of the most effective method of diesel engine emissions of nitrogen oxides , but our study of this technology at present only in the laboratory for the application of the product there is a considerable distance .

  28. 简要介绍了改性沥青防水卷材的标准,以及改性建筑沥青实验室的试验情况,并且对实验室产品进行了评价。

    Standard of modified asphalt waterproofing felt and the experiments on the modified construction asphalt in laboratory were described .

  29. 实验室的企业赞助者受邀到实验室认识这些产品原型,并讨究是否有销售市场及量产能力。

    Lab sponsor firms are then invited in to look at the prototypes and see if they can identify links to their own markets and production capabilities .

  30. 随着该系统的引入,本实验室的软件测试体系已基本形成,测试流程变得规范,测试的质量和效率得到了提高,为本实验室所开发软件产品的质量保证提供了支持。

    With the deployment of this system , testing process become normative and the testing become more quality and efficiency . This system provides the assistant for the quality assurance of software product .