
ɡāo jí sōu suǒ
  • advanced search
  1. Controller组件将控制这四个核心组件的协同工作方式,从而提供用户所需的高级搜索功能。

    The Controller component will control how the four core components works together to provide the required advanced search capability .

  2. 您已经了解了为什么需要在SOA注册表中使用高级搜索功能。

    You have learned the reasons why an advanced search capability in a SOA registry is needed .

  3. 这些配置包含一个使用高级搜索功能产生性能最佳的SOA服务注册表的配置。

    These configurations include a configuration which yields the most performing SOA service Registry with advanced search capability .

  4. 为了向搜索标准添加属性组,以进行高级搜索,您可以在AdvancedSearch项中同时选中一个项目和一个类型。

    To add attribute groups to the criteria for an advanced search , select both a project and a type in the Advanced Search tab .

  5. 也可以向请求URL附加高级搜索查询操作符。

    It 's also possible to attach advanced search query operators to the request URL .

  6. 在本系列的前三部分中,描述了具有高级搜索功能的SOA服务注册表。

    In previous three installments of this series , a SOA service registry with advanced search capability was described .

  7. 无论是简单搜索界面还是高级搜索界面,都允许使用关键字将搜索限制为其结构或内容满足特定标准的web页。

    Both the simple and advanced search interfaces support the use of keywords to restrict your searches to web pages that meet specific criteria regarding their structure or contents .

  8. 在本期文章中,我们讨论了SOA注册表的四个具有高级搜索功能的核心组件。

    In this installment we have described the implementations of the four core components of the SOA registry with advanced search capability .

  9. XPath解析器已经内置了高级搜索和导航功能。

    Enhanced search and navigation capabilities are already built into the XPath parser .

  10. 对SQLServer而言,全文检索提供了存储在关系数据库或者是文件系统上的文本的高级搜索能力。

    In terms of SQL Server , Full Text Search provides advanced search capabilities against text stored in a relational database or on the file system .

  11. 通过这一升级,Lucene组件获得了三种强大的高级搜索选项。

    With that upgrade , the Lucene component gained three powerful advanced-search options .

  12. 可以对XML文档(很多可能没考虑到进行高级搜索)执行复杂的、类似SQL的连接和选择。

    You can perform complex SQL-like joins and selections , all applied to XML documents ( many of which probably weren 't structured with advanced searching in mind ) .

  13. 修改包括改变ClassicRegistry的用户接口,以便它同时也可以作为高级搜索功能的接口。

    In addition , these modifications include changing the user interface of the Classic Registry so that it can serve as the user interface for the advanced search function also .

  14. 在高级搜索中,可以任意组合MydeveloperWorks社区工具来搜索一个或多个关键字。

    In an advanced search , you can search for one or more keywords in any combination of My developerWorks community tools .

  15. 同目录辅助和其它第三方供应商一样,UDDI系统所基于的系统化资源库提供了包括高级搜索功能在内的许多高级功能。

    Like directory assistance and other third-party providers , UDDI systems are based upon organized repositories which provide many high-level functions , including advanced searching capabilities .

  16. 在不使用词根化那样的高级搜索功能的情况下,解决方案可能是使用前面介绍过的contains()XQuery内置函数。

    In cases where no advanced search functionality , like stemming , is used , it is possible to use a workaround using the contains () XQuery built-in function that was previously introduced .

  17. 对于那些需要高级搜索功能的程序员来说,IBMInfoCenter描述了一些高级功能,但基本语法是比较直观的。

    There are some advanced features that are documented in the IBM InfoCenter for those programmers that require more advanced capabilities – but the basic syntax is intuitive .

  18. 高级搜索:通过元数据、全球行业分类标准(GICS)、作者、类别、文件名、摘要、注释等等提供全面搜索。

    Advanced Search : Provide full search by metadata , GICS , author , category , file name , abstract , comments , etc.

  19. 提供一个明确标明链接到高级搜索,并返回。

    Provide a clearly marked link to Advanced Search , and back .

  20. 区块链接至高级搜索,摘要搜索结果以及显示所有结果。

    Block links to advanced search , summary search results and show-all results .

  21. 使用高级搜索以进行属性限制和切换其他视图

    Use advanced search for property restrictions and additional views

  22. 有关高级搜索运算符的详细信息,请参见使用高级查询。

    For additional information on advanced search operators , see using advanced searches .

  23. 高级搜索与“隐藏的”标准控制

    Advanced searches and " hidden " criteria controls

  24. 新的集成搜索和高级搜索功能。

    New integrated search and advanced search capabilities .

  25. 使用一个原始字符串查询的高级搜索

    Advanced searches using a raw string query

  26. 对于对象层次结构中的高级搜索和导航等功能,需要相当复杂的逻辑实现

    Fairly complex logic implementation required for capabilities like advanced search and navigation in the object hierarchy

  27. 另一项差异之处在于,在进行高级搜索时可以根本不用搜索标准。

    Another difference is that you can do an advanced search with no criteria at all .

  28. 为什么需要高级搜索功能

    Need for advanced search capability

  29. 此外,我们了解了提供这种高级搜索功能所需的过程和组件。

    In addition , we learned the process and components needed to provide such an advanced search capability .

  30. 在高级搜索中的每个搜索引擎的最大结果数必须是一个大于0的有效整数。

    Maximum results from each search engine in Advanced Search must be a valid integer greater than 0 .