
  • 网络Manage Security;administrative security;Administration Security;security of management
  1. Windows终端是一项能降低用户总体拥有成本,提高管理安全性和实现零维护的技术。

    Windows Terminal Services is a technology that can lower total of ownership , increase security of management , and achieve zero maintainability .

  2. 此外,在WebSphereApplicationServerV6.1中引入但仅限于wsadmin的细粒度管理安全功能现已在V7中扩展到包括管理控制台。

    Further , the fine grained administrative security function that was introduced in WebSphere Application Server V6.1 but limited to wsadmin is now expanded in V7 to include the administrative console .

  3. Internet网络管理安全协议研究

    Researches of Internet Network Management Protocols

  4. C~(++)Builder内存管理安全研究

    Study of Memory Secure Management in C ~ ( + + ) Builder

  5. 因特网密钥交换(IKEInternetKeyExchange)协议是IPSec协议簇的重要组成部分,负责动态协商和管理安全关联。

    IKE ( Internet Key Exchange ) protocol is the major part of IPSec , responsible for the dynamic negotiation and managing SA .

  6. sugroup提供一种在系统上实现和管理安全策略的方法。

    Sugroups provides one method of implementing and managing the security policy on your systems .

  7. 通过分析开放系统的特点和安全需求,探明了开放系统安全性应包括三个方面:通信安全性(在OSI通信安全性的基础上进行扩充)、端系统安全性和管理安全性。

    From the features and requirements of open system , it is deduced that open system security contains three aspects : communication security , end-sysytem security and management security .

  8. 每个企业独立管理安全基础结构中各自负责的一端。

    Each enterprise manages its end of the security infrastructure independently .

  9. 第三,考试管理安全风险性大。

    Third , the examination security risk is high .

  10. 现在,他们没有管理安全文化,但是他们希望能进入到那个领域去。

    At present they do not regulate safety culture but they 're attempting to move into that area .

  11. 军事院校越来越多的信息管理安全事故给国家、社会、军队带来了极大的损失。

    The accident information management security military colleges more and more has brought great losses to the state , society , military .

  12. 第二部分是系统概述,从物理安全、链路安全、网络安全、系统安全、应用安全及管理安全等方面分析了政务网存在的安全风险,提出了设计目标和设计原则;

    The author analyzes the risks in terms of physical security , connective security , network safety , systematic safety , applicative safety and managerial safety , etc.

  13. 为此,本文最后构建了网络化设计信息安全技术的体系结构,并基于密码技术构建了产品设计信息管理安全框架体系。

    Therefore , the author finally design and built the network information security technology architecture , and built information management system security framework based on password technology in product design .

  14. 在描述模型状态转换系统的基础上,给出模型的安全状态不变式,并证明了安全不变式与资源管理安全准则之间的一致性关系。

    The state transition system of the basic model and the extended model are described respectively and the security invariants of the models are given , and the security invariants are proved to be consistent with security principles of resource management oriented to authorization management .

  15. 首先系统地研究了网络安全技术,提出了网络管理安全参考模型,然后阐述了基于规则的网络安全管理技术,并给出了系统结构设计方案。

    In this paper , the network security technology is discussed systematically , the network management reference model is presented , and then the technology of policy based network security management is studied , finally the system design model of policy based network security management is brought forward .

  16. 基于Web的教务管理系统安全方案设计

    Design of security solution for Web-based educational administration system

  17. 嵌入式SNMPAgent的设计与实现安全集中管理中安全设备差异性的屏蔽方法

    Research and Design of SNMP Agent in Network Devices A Method of Shielding the Difference of Security Devices in Security Integration Management

  18. 符合HSE管理和安全生产的要求;

    Conformed to HSE management and safety requirement ;

  19. 自WebSphereMessageBrokerV6.0以来,管理和安全性处理方面已发生明显改变。

    There have been significant changes in the areas of administration and security processing since WebSphere Message Broker V6.0 .

  20. JazzFoundationServices是一系列用于处理用户及项目管理、安全、协作、查询及其他跨工具功能的功能。

    Jazz Foundation Services is a set of capabilities used to handle user and project administration , security , collaboration , query , and other generic cross-tool capabilities .

  21. 基于OTP及ECC的产品数据管理系统安全设计

    A Secure Design of PDM System Based on OTP and ECC

  22. NET的部队信息自动化系统,由信息搜索、信息查询、信息发布、网上办公、网上训练、网上管理及安全监控等模块组成。

    NET consists of information search module , information inquiry module , information announcement module , network office module , network training module , network management module , security monitoring module and so on .

  23. 完成了为连接过程所提供的事务管理、安全管理、生存期管理以及工作管理等QoS支持;

    Then , we provide solutions for the issues of service framework of connection pool management , transaction management , security management , lifecycle management , work management and message inflow for resource connections .

  24. 本文分析比较了SSL协议和SET协议,针对协议的不足,提出了比较具体的改进措施,加强了数据管理的安全性,满足了原子性。

    The paper analyzes and compares SSL and SET from various aspects , including analysis on deficiency and the detailed suggestions for the improvement of both SSL and SET . It also includes enhancing the security of transaction record management and satisfying the atomicity of protocol .

  25. 分析了安全套接字层(SSL)协议(3.0)密钥管理的安全性,提出了一种实现SSL协议的密钥管理方案&自动化密钥管理方案,指出了此安全协议目前存在的问题。

    This paper analyzes the security performance of SSL protocol ( 3.0 ) key management , and proposes an implementing schem of SSL protocol key management - a schem of auto key management . meantime puts out little weakness of SSL .

  26. 文章介绍了目前主流的两种VPN技术:SSLVPN与IPSECVPN,并在部署管理、安全性、扩展性、访问控制、经济性五方面作了对比。

    This paper introduces two kinds of the current mainstream VPN : SSL and IPSec VPN , and makes a comparison of the two kinds of VPN by the deployment of management , security , scalability , access control and economic .

  27. 相对于目前应急移动加密通信普遍具有的速度慢、破译容易、密钥管理不安全等缺点,本文提出了一种新型的以GPRS网络和现代加密技术相结合的应急移动加密通信解决方案。

    As compared to the present emergency mobile communications which encrypted with the generally slow , easily deciphered , insecurity and other key management shortcomings , this paper presents a new type of emergency mobile communications solution based on GPRS network and modern encryption .

  28. FSCA系统在设计上严格遵从PKI规范,并且采用了访问控制、权限管理等安全机制,真正保证了权威、公正和可信赖的特性。

    The design criterion of FSCA strictly keeps to the PKI standards , and FSCA picks the secure technique ( i.e. , the control of access and the management of right , etc ) .

  29. 戴尔软件集团总裁约翰斯文森(johnswainson)表示,昨日宣布的对quest软件公司(questsoftware)的收购,旨在将戴尔的业务拓展到系统管理和安全等软件领域,并为未来交易创造一个平台。

    The purchase of quest software , revealed yesterday , was intended to bring Dell a presence in software areas such as systems management and security and serve as the platform for future deals , according to John Swainson , President of software at Dell .

  30. 在大型校园规模下,将各二级学院单位的孤立网络进行互联时,出于对不同部门的管理、安全和整体网络的稳定运行,需要进行VLAN的划分。

    Under large-scale campus scale , When every isolated network of second institute is interconnected , We need to carry on the division of VLAN to make sure the management and the security of different departments and steady operation of the whole network .