
  1. 本算法由三个主要功能模块和一些辅助功能模块组成,三个主要功能模块分别是管控中心选择模块、算法启动模块、网络预测模块。

    The algorithm consists of three main modules and some auxiliary function modules . The mina modules include the module of main control center selection module , the algorithm starts , the network prediction .

  2. 各监控子系统和多级管控中心的分散运行、各自为政的管理,缺乏相互的协作和资源信息的共享,即增加了运行管理成本,也不利于上级银行的统一管理。

    Each monitoring subsystem and multi-level control centers scattered operation , fragmented management , lack of mutual cooperation and information resource sharing , namely increased operating management cost , also go against superior bank unified management .