
  1. 最后衷心祝福我的老战友李淑君同志,身体健康!

    Finally , best wishes to my old comrade Li Shujun comrades and good health !

  2. 声乐艺术是李淑君最爱的事业,歌唱是她最大的快乐!

    Li Shujun favorite vocal music is the cause , singing is her greatest joy !

  3. 我和李淑君是战旗文工团的战友,我是她的歌迷,更是她的崇拜者。

    I and Li Shujun is senki Backstage comrades , I 'm her fans , is an admirer of her .

  4. 这也是李淑君一生中最难忘的时刻,我想她永远不会忘记那一段幸福的时光!

    This is Li Shujun the most memorable moments in life , I think she 'll never forget that a happy time !

  5. 我感觉李淑君是在用心用情歌唱,演出现场的感染力非常强,所以才会令人感动!

    I feel in the heart and soul singing Li Shujun , the appeal of live performances are very strong , so will be touching !

  6. 1986年,李淑君老师退休了,她感到这又是人生的一道门槛,给自己制定了十六字行为准则:淡泊名利、锻炼身体、生命不息、歌声不止。

    In1986 , Li Shujun retired teacher , she felt that life is a threshold , set by leaders to their own code of conduct drawn up : fame and fortune , exercise , life , there is more than singing .