
  1. 李雷:对家庭来说,这是个很重要的日子。

    Li Lei : It is an important time for family .

  2. 李雷:庆祝中秋节。

    Li Lei : To celebrate the Mid ﹣ Autumn Festival .

  3. 布鲁斯:太好了。谢谢!李雷:不客气。

    Bruce : That 's great . Thank you ! Li Lei : You are welcome .

  4. 李雷:我们一起吃饭、看月亮、吃月饼。

    Li Lei : We 'll have dinner together , watch the moon and eat mooncakes .

  5. 李雷:嘿,布鲁斯。我这个周末要回家。布鲁斯:回家干什么?

    Li Lei : hey , Bruce . I 'm going home this weekend . Bruce : For what ?

  6. 李雷:是的。你愿意和我一起去吗?我们可以一起庆祝。

    Li Lei : Yes . Would you like to go with me ? We can celebrate it together .

  7. 李雷:嗨,jim.星期六你能和我们一起踢足球吗?

    Li Lei : Hi , Jim . Can you come and play football with us on Sunday ?

  8. 这些是李雷和李平的书。

    These are Li Lei 's and Li ping 's books .

  9. 李雷有足够的钱环游世界。

    Li Lei has enough money to travel around the world .

  10. 李雷:你喜欢坐小汽车出去吗?

    Li Lei : do you like going in the car ?

  11. 李雷:你昨天看足球赛了吗?

    LI LEI : Did you see the football match yesterday ?

  12. 李雷在操场上找他的足球呢。

    Li Lei is looking for his football on the playground .

  13. 请记着将自行车还给李雷。

    Please remember to give the bicycle back to Li Lei .

  14. 老师进来的时候李雷在画什?

    What was Li Lei drawing when the teacher came in ?

  15. 谁在和李雷一起浇花?约翰。

    Who is Li Lei watering the flowers with ? Jonh .

  16. 谁是你的兄弟,是李雷还是林涛?

    Who is your brother , Li Lei or Lin Tao ?

  17. 不仅是你,而且李雷也要来。

    Not only you but also Li Lei is coming here .

  18. 这是我朋友李雷的书。

    This is my friend , Li Lei 's book .

  19. 李雷没有他父亲的帮助也能完成家庭作业。

    Li Lei can do his homework without his father 's help .

  20. 李雷昨天什么事也不想做。

    Li Lei didn 't want to do anything yesterday .

  21. 李雷喜欢语文,而我更喜欢英语。

    Li Lei likes Chellonese , but I prefer English .

  22. 它是由一个名叫李雷的男孩找到的吗?

    Was it found by a boy named Li Lei ?

  23. 李雷作为又来跟我借钱了。

    Li Lei came to borrow money again last night .

  24. 李雷游泳比吉姆游得好。

    Li Lei swims better than Jim ( does ) .

  25. 李雷坐在教室的后面。

    Li Lei sits at the back of the classroom .

  26. 我们对李雷是否喜欢足球感兴趣。

    We are interested in whether Li Lei likes football or not .

  27. 李雷,请把这个句子翻译成英语。

    Li Lei , please translate the sentence into English .

  28. 李雷在一年级三班。

    C.Li Lei is in Class Three , Grade One .

  29. 李雷:那你怎么还是晚了?

    Li lei : oh ? So why were you still late ?

  30. 李雷和我们都没看过这部电影。

    Neither Li Lei nor we have seen the film .