
  • 网络groundwater management;GWM
  1. 国外GIS在地下水管理与研究中的应用和启示

    Application and Inspiration on GIS in the Groundwater Management and Research in Abroad

  2. 嵌入法地下水管理模型的分段决策技术

    Stepwise - decision technique for embedding model of groundwater management

  3. Web模式下地下水管理信息系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Web-based Ground water Information Management System

  4. 该论文介绍了基于GIS组件式地理信息系统技术的北京市地下水管理系统,该系统实现了地下水空间分析模型与地理信息系统之间的有机集成。

    This article is about the Beijing Ground Water Management System based on COM technology . The system realizes a structural integration of groundwater space analysis model and geographical information system .

  5. 该系统具有地下水质数据管理、GIS数据管理、水质数据统计分析和地下水质综合评价等功能,可方便地下水管理工作者及时掌握地下水污染动态、空间分布及演化趋势。

    The system can do groundwater quality data management , GIS data management , the statistics and analysis of water quality data , the complex evaluation of groundwater quality , etc. , which make the groundwater manager easily find out the trends and spatial distribution of groundwater pollution in time .

  6. 南非地下水管理的广泛内容南非钴精矿中钴量的测定

    Determination of Cobalt Content in Cobalt Concentrates form South Africa

  7. 两种智能算法在求解地下水管理模型中的对比

    A Comparative Study of Two Intelligent Optimization Techniques for Groundwater Management Modeling

  8. 地下水管理模型在开采低铁锰地下水中的应用

    An application of groundwater management model for mining low-mangan groundwater

  9. 国内外关于地下水管理模型研究与应用

    Research and Application on the management model of groundwater at home and abroad

  10. 非稳定地下水管理方法

    A management method for non - stable groundwater systems

  11. 分布参数地下水管理模型的遗传算法研究

    Genetic algorithm solution of distributed parameter groundwater management models

  12. 地下水管理模型响应矩阵法应用中的局限性

    The limitation of using the method of response matrix on groundwater management model

  13. 岩溶地下水管理模型及应用&以徐州市为例

    Management of Karst Model Groundwater and Its Application

  14. 用解析有限元法嵌入地下水管理模型求最优解

    Application of Analytical Finite Element Method to an Optimum Solution of Groundwater Management Model

  15. 该中心将着重研究水资源问题,包括地下水管理和如何提高灌溉技术水平。

    It will focus on issues such as groundwater management and improving irrigation techniques .

  16. 边界元法与地下水管理

    Boundary element method and the groundwater management

  17. 加强地下水管理控制地面沉降

    Reinforcing groundwater management for controlling land subsidence

  18. 地下水管理模型中的参数随机性问题

    Parameter stochastic problems in groundwater management model

  19. 数值模型在地下水管理中的应用

    Application of numerical models in groundwater management

  20. 地下水管理优化预报模型

    A Combined Simulation-optimization Model for Groundwater Management

  21. 响应矩阵法地下水管理模型系数矩阵存贮结构的探讨

    A Research on the Storage Structure of Management Model Coefficient Matrix in Response Matrix Approach

  22. 地下水管理模型研究进展

    The development of groundwater management models

  23. 我国粮食主产区地下水管理现状及保护措施研究

    Current situation and protecting measures of groundwater management in the main grain production area of China

  24. 地下水管理随机模型

    A stochastic groundwater management model

  25. 最后本文提出了地下水管理和保护的对策意见。

    At the end of the paper countermeasures and suggestions on groundwater managment and protection are put forward .

  26. 本文用分段法求解多阶段地下水管理模型。

    Solution procedures for the multi-Period ground-water management model use of the stepwise approach was studied in this paper .

  27. 本文用模拟模型与优化模型偶合方法,研究了地下水管理问题。

    This paper , using the coupled method of simulation and optimization models , presents a series o groundwater hydraulic management models for groundwater management .

  28. 近年来由于石油工业导致的一系列不利的影响和健康风险,使得石油污染地下水管理研究备受关注。

    Management of petroleum-contaminated groundwater systems has been of much concern in recent years since pollution from petroleum industries may lead to a variety of impacts , risks , and liabilities .

  29. 分析了模型中有关变量的物理意义,并从理论和实践上分析了水文地质参数随机性对地下水管理模型结果的影响。

    The physical meanings of relevant variables in the model are analyzed . The influences of stochastic behaviours of hydrogeologic parameters on the results of management model are also analyzed in theory and with practice .

  30. 针对商丘实验区水文地质特点,概述了地下水位预报模型的建立过程,并结合典型井点地下水位预报结果,经与实际资料对比,其结果满足地下水管理的有关要求。

    The article analyzes hydrogeology of Shangqiu test area , establishes trends prediction model of groundwater of Shangqiu , combines predictive result of groundwater with typical well . The result accordes with needs of groundwater management .