
  1. 地面引导性风洞试验和理论分析表明,充气气囊减速方案具有十分明确的减速效果和优点,可用于未来航天飞行器实现减速飞行目的的技术方案。

    The investigation of introductory wind tunnel tests and theoretical analyses indicates that the inflatable airbag concept is one of the feasible choices for vehicle deceleration , and worth to be investigated further in the future .

  2. 卫星微波信标天线与地面站引导雷达圆锥扫描天线的极化失配分析

    An analysis of the polarization mismatch between satellite microwave beacon antenna and CONICALLY-SCANNING guidance radar antenna at ground station

  3. 如果说俘获与杀死中的俘获越来越难,杀死倒是简单多了。这有赖于无人机数量的增长,以及地面上引导无人机攻击目标的情报网络的拓展。

    If the capture bit of capture and kill was becoming too difficult , the killing was getting easier thanks to both the increasing number of drones that were now available and the expanding network of intelligence sources on the ground to guide them to their human targets .

  4. 会沿地面循着惯性引导。

    Will go from terrain following to inertial guidance .