
léi dá wǎnɡ
  • radar network
  1. 基于HLA的雷达网探测隐身飞行器仿真系统

    Simulation of Radar Network Detecting Stealth Aircraft Based on HLA

  2. 高层体系结构(HLA)在雷达网仿真中的应用

    Applications of HLA in Radar Network Simulation

  3. 基于改进BP网络的雷达网抗干扰性能评估

    Radar Net Anti-jamming Evaluation based on Improved BP Neural Networks

  4. 用MATLAB语言实现雷达网的优化部署

    An Approach to Radar Netting Optimization by MATLAB Language

  5. 雷达网抗ARM效能评估

    Efficiency Evaluation of Antagonizing ARM of Radar Netting

  6. 该模型可用来定量评估雷达网抗ARM的能力,也可作为论证、改造雷达网的参考依据。

    Evaluation model of antagonizing ARM of radar netting for air information based on anti-ARM capability of single radar and the extra gains of radar netting is established .

  7. 针对雷达网中雷达站布站产生的误差提出了一种基于LMS的雷达网系统误差校正方法。

    Then considering the system error produced by radar station distribution , radar net system error-correction method based on LMS is proposed .

  8. 该文方法不要大量的计算机仿真就可以方便地评估2-D、3-D以及混合雷达网的目标定位精度和效能。

    The presented method is convenient to evaluate the target location accuracy and the efficiency of 2-D , 3-D as well as the heterogeneous radar network instead of the tedious computer simulations .

  9. 根据数据融合的原理,对雷达网数据融合问题提出了一种模糊神经网络模型,讨论了神经元感应场内模糊隶属度函数最大的WTA竞争机制和目标数据的重复融合问题。

    Based on the basic principle of data fusion , a fuzzy neural network model for data fusion of radar net is presented .

  10. 针对目前雷达网指挥自动化系统在情报保障辅助决策上的空白,设计了区域性雷达网情报保障方案自动生成决策支持系统(DSS)。

    Aiming at the vacancy of intelligence-ensured assistant decision in present command automation system of radar fence , the paper designs the decision supporting system ( DSS ) on autogeneration of intelligence-ensured project in territorial radar fence .

  11. 根据压制式干扰的特征以及雷达网中雷达工作方式,对支援干扰(SOJ)、随队干扰(ESJ)、自卫干扰(SSJ)进行识别。

    The SOJ and ESJ and SSJ are identified on radar operation mode and jamming characteristics .

  12. 文章对ATM交换机在雷达网中的数据交换作了分析,并以计算机仿真手段评估了三种特定通信环境下输出缓冲型ATM交换机的利用率和输出队列概率分布情况。

    The paper analyzes the data switching of ATM switch in the netted radar system . The utilization and probability mass functions of output queue lengths of the output buffered ATM switch are evaluated in three particular communication surroundings with the help of computer simulation .

  13. 高管们表示,多年来,bg公司因旗下液化天然气资产而对业内巨头极富吸引力,只是这部分资产过于庞大,过于昂贵,如今它再次进入各巨头的雷达网。

    BG , whose liquefied natural gas portfolio had for years made it attractive to the majors , but which was too big and expensive to be bought , is now again on radar screens , executives say .

  14. 雷达网干扰仿真系统,硬件采用C/S攻防对抗框架,软件选用Win2000、TCP/IP、VC++6.0及ACCESS。

    For the interference simulation system for radar network , confrontation frame of C / S attack & defense was adopted as its hardware , and Win 2000 , TCP / IP , VC + + 6.0 and ACCESS was used as its software .

  15. 基于雷达网系统误差分析,提出了一种简单、实用的数据配准算法,称为最小二乘相对系统误差配准法(LSRSEM),并给出了一种基于相对系统误差的多雷达数据配准工程实现方法。

    Basing on the analysis of systematic error in radar net intelligence , a Least Square Relative Systematic Error Registration Method ( LSRSEM ) is proposed .

  16. 对雷达网的数据融合提出了一种自组织模糊神经网络模型,分析了该模型的自组织特征及神经元感应场内模糊隶属度函数最大的WTA竞争机制。

    A self organizing fuzzy neuron network model for the data fusion of radar net is presented . The self organizing feature of the model and WTA competition mechanism for maximizing the fussy membership function in the neuron 's receptive field is analyzed .

  17. 比例标度法在评价雷达网探测效能方面的应用

    Application of Proportion Criteria on Evaluating Detecting Effectiveness of Radar Network

  18. 地面雷达网监控技术研究

    Technical Research on Monitor of Ground Phase Scan Radar NetWork System

  19. 雷达网情报保障方案决策支持系统设计

    Design of Decision Supporting System on Intelligence-Ensured Project in Radar Fence

  20. 一种计算雷达网覆盖面积的新算法

    A New Algorithm for Calculating the Coverage Area of Radar Net

  21. 雷达网信息传输能力评估方法及仿真分析

    Evaluation method for the information transmitting ability of the radar net

  22. 雷达网检测数据的散度判决方法

    A Method of Divergence Decision-making for Target Detection in Radar Net

  23. 海上编队雷达网的优化及抗干扰效能分析

    Optimization and Analysis of Anti-Jamming Efficiency of Radar - Net Work

  24. 本土飞机探测雷达网机载雷达发射机控制保护电路的实现

    Implementation of Control & Protection Circuit for an Air-borne Radar Transmitter

  25. 雷达网反隐身优化部署决策模型及算法研究

    Model and Algorithm of Optimal Anti-stealth Deployment of Radar Network

  26. 雷达网系统扫描周期的研究

    Study of the Mean Scan Period of Netted Radar Systems

  27. 定量分析雷达网反隐身能力的方法

    An Approach to the Quantitative Analysis for Anti-stealth Capability of Radar Net

  28. 雷达网对压制式干扰的识别和对目标定位

    Recognition of Suppressing Jammer And Allocation of the Target with Radar Network

  29. 区域雷达网分布式检测性能改善方法

    A Method for Improving Detection Performance of a Local Net Radar System

  30. 基于遗传算法的区域雷达网优化布站方法

    Approach to Regional Radar Netting Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm