
  • 网络processor;information processing machine;IMP;Interface Message Processor;handler
  1. 基于双DSP的红外目标信息处理机设计

    The infrared target processor design based on dual DSP

  2. 开关互连(SwitchedFabric)技术将取代并行总线技术,成为新一代信号与信息处理机系统互连的解决方案。

    Switched fabric technology , replacing the shared bus , is going to be the solution of system interconnection for the next generation signal processor .

  3. FPGA在弹上信息处理机中的应用

    Application Of FPGA in Information Processing of Missile

  4. MCM7001型N-沟道MOS随机存储器&为微型信息处理机存储器设计提供新的可能性

    N-Channel MOS memories-new possibilities for microprocessor memory design

  5. 本文设计的非制冷红外图像信息处理机系统采用FPGA与DSP相结合的模式,利用FPGA完成所有的外围模块的设计。

    We design an uncooled infrared image information process system with FPGA and DSP , and all peripheral functions are implemented on FPGA .

  6. 计算机网络中接口信息处理机(IMP)的结构技术研究

    Study of the Structure Technology of Interface Message Processors ( IMP ) in Computer Networks

  7. 通过SD卡接口,实现了对大容量存储设备SD卡的访问,解决了信息处理机存储容量小的问题。

    Through the SD card interface , realized on the SD card mass storage device access to the information processor to solve the problem of small storage capacity .

  8. 考虑到国外已有采用PalmPlatform的PDA方式的信息处理机,研究用自由软件Linux开发环境的信息处理机及RTOS软件平台;

    In view of information processor have used in PDA with Palm Platform in oversea , have researched on the information processor and RTOS software Platform with freedom software Linux ;

  9. 采用FPGA设计实现了专用图像预处理器,该图像预处理器能够在图像采集的同时,完成电子稳像等全局图像预处理,有效地提高了信息处理机系统的处理速度。

    FPGA is used to design and realize special image preprocessor , which can accomplish image stabilization and some other global pretreatment during image capturing , which effectively increases the processing speed of the information processor system .

  10. CS-2型温度信息处理机的研制

    The research of type CS-2 temperature information processor

  11. 分析了PCB设计一般规则,结合处理机工作环境,确立了电磁兼容性设计要求,完成了信息处理机的硬件研制工作。

    The author analyzes the general rule of PCB design , combines the working environment of processor , establishes the design requirement of electromagnetic compatibility , and completes hardware design of information processor . 4 .

  12. 介绍了航电综合化发展阶段及当前阶段的主要任务,以F-22CIP为蓝本分析了航空综合信息处理机的硬件、软件结构和组成,以及处理机数据通信机理。

    The development of the integrated avionics system and current task is introduced . Based on F 22 CIP , an analysis is given to the hardware architecture and instantiations , the software structure and modulars , and the data communications .

  13. 本文对信息处理机软硬件的可靠性和低功耗进行了优化设计,同时为信息处理机设计了SD卡接口、串行接口等用接口,并且扩展了通用接口。

    In this paper , the information processor hardware and software reliability and low power consumption optimized design , while for the information processor designed SD card interface , serial interfaces use interface , and extend a common interface .

  14. 基于VXS总线的通用雷达信息处理机

    Universal Radar Information Processor Based on VXS Bus

  15. 图象信息处理机系统监控软件的设计

    The Design of Monitor Software for Image Signal Processor System

  16. 图像信息处理机嵌入式实时系统软件设计方法

    Embedded Real-Time Software Design Method for Image Signal Processor System

  17. 嵌入式炮兵信息处理机的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Embedded Information Processor of Artilleryman

  18. 可重构线阵图像制导信息处理机

    Reconfigurable linear array processing system for imaging guidance

  19. 对话式汉字信息处理机

    Interactive word processor for Chinese data processing dialogue

  20. 接着,我们设计并实现了激光成像雷达信息处理机的硬件和软件系统。

    Therefore the hardware and software of signal processor machine in LIDAR is designed .

  21. 在此把人工智能归结到了理想机的高级信息处理机中。

    The article sums up AI as the high level information processor of ideal machine .

  22. 接口信息处理机吞吐量

    Interface message processor throughput

  23. 提出了红外成像制导信息处理机综合测试系统整体设计方案和各部分结构设计方案。

    The design of the infrared imaging guidance information processor test system and design scheme of construction was brought .

  24. 红外成像制导信息处理机综合测试系统是测试评估红外成像制导信息处理机性能的重要工具。

    Infrared imaging guidance information processor test system is the most important tool to evaluate the performance of infrared imaging guidance information processor .

  25. 还有一些教练热衷于使用电脑,他们花在文字信息处理机上的时间和田径场上的一样多。

    There also is the computer coach , who spends as much time poring over his word processor as he does on the track .

  26. 本设计方法并可通过平滑扩展来构造单板级、服务器级、集群级的信息处理机。

    The methodology proposed in this thesis can be smooth expended to construct single-board level , server level and cluster level information processing machine .

  27. 此外,本文对信息处理机本身进行了计算功能的设计,使其具有简易的计算功能。

    In addition , this paper carried out the information processor itself , the design of computing power , it has a simple computing functions .

  28. 它为红外成像制导信息处理机的研制、调试和改进提供了保证,对于提高红外成像制导武器的作战效能具有至关重要的作用。

    It provides important guarantee for developing and ameliorating infrared imaging guidance information processor . It has the all-important effect to the efficacy and survival ability of the weapon .

  29. 在实验室里采用硬件闭环方式测试和评估红外导引头信息处理机需要实时、高逼真度的红外光电仿真技术。

    The test and evaluation of IR guiding information processing system by closed-loop test in laboratory require the application of real-time , high fidelity IR / EO simulation technology .

  30. 开发在实验室里测试导引头信息处理机的实时数字场景仿真系统已经成为了图像制导武器发展的迫切需要。

    With the advances in image-guided weapons , it is quite necessary to develop a real-time digital scene simulator system that can test in laboratory the guiding information processing machine .