
  • 网络Information Governance;Information management;managing information
  1. IGC还使用调查结果了解全球的信息治理状态。

    IGC also uses the survey results to understand the state of information governance worldwide .

  2. IGC正在努力定义信息治理在日常实践中应具有的含义。

    The IGC is working to define what information governance should mean in daily practice .

  3. 在即将在内华达州拉斯维加斯举行的IBMInformationOnDemand全球大会上,该集团计划为杰出的信息治理案例颁发奖项。

    At the upcoming IBM Information On Demand Global Conference in Las Vegas , Nevada , the group plans to give awards for outstanding examples of information governance .

  4. 不要搞错,有组织的信息治理仍然处于起步阶段。

    Make no mistake , organized information governance is still in its infancy .

  5. 论高校图书馆在校园文化信息治理中的作用

    On the Role of University Libraries in the Process of Campus Culture Information Control

  6. 成员也可以通过回答180个问题,对他们组织的信息治理实践执行在线审计。

    Members can also perform an online audit of their organizations information governance practices by answering a series of180 questions .

  7. 第三部分,介绍美国、德国对政府网络信息治理的规定,比较两国不同的适用原则及特点。

    Chapter 3 discusses regulations of American and German governments in terms of network information administration and compares their different applicable conditions and characteristics .

  8. 本文将经济学中有关私立秩序的研究应用于会计学研究中,采取博弈论和史证研究的方法对会计信息治理的私立秩序进行研究,关注于私立秩序在会计信息治理的作用、性质和变迁。

    This paper applies the research about private order in economics to accounting research , using game theory and approach of history research to study the function , property and changes of private order in accounting information governance .

  9. 分析了高校校园文化的现状以及高校图书馆与校园文化的关系,探讨了高校图书馆在校园文化信息治理中的作用。

    In this paper , the author has analyzed the current situation of university campus culture and the relation between university libraries and campus culture , and also discussed the role of university libraries in campus culture information control .

  10. 第五部分,从政府审慎定位、法律适用原则、加强专门性立法等方面,探讨如何健全和完善我国政府网络信息治理的法律制度。

    Chapter 5 discusses how to enhance and perfect the Chinese legal system in respect of the governmental network information administration , namely , cautious positioning of the government , principles of legal application , special legislation and so on .

  11. SOARA中的横切关注点:集成、服务质量、信息和治理:是所有云计算基础架构和解决方案的重要关注点,就像在SOARA中那样。

    The cross cutting concerns in the SOA RA : integration , quality of service , information and governance : are important concerns for all cloud architectures and solutions , just like they are for SOA .

  12. 会计信息与治理公司法人结构的探讨

    On Accountant Information Distortion and Governing of Company Legal Person Structure

  13. 谣言实现的社会机制及对信息的治理

    Social Mechanisms of Rumor Fulfilling and Information Management

  14. 在这个大背景下,网络参与既是对信息社会治理模式的回应,也是对公共危机治理的新要求。

    Under such a background , participation through network is both a response to governance mode in information society and a new requirement for public crisis management .

  15. 国外大量文献表明,会计信息具有治理和定价功能,可以有效缓解企业代理冲突,降低信息不对称问题,高质量的会计信息能够抑制企业的过度投资行为。

    A great number of researches abroad have proved that the quality of accounting information could not only alleviate the corporate agency conflicts , but also reduce the problem of information asymmetry . Overinvestment behaviors of enterprise could be prevented efficiently by high accounting information quality .

  16. 第二,本文提出的理论可以作为一种信息系统的治理工具。ERP系统实施风险管理模型可以用来指导信息系统应用实践活动,演化为信息技术治理的ERP实施指南。

    Secondly , the model for risk management in ERP implementation can be used as IT governance practice and guideline .

  17. 同时也在利用地理信息系统技术治理和改善水环境的实际问题方面进行了卓有成效地探索和尝试,相信这也对对各地水环境管理GIS的开发有借鉴意义。

    It is a beneficial exploration in practical water environment treatment using GIS technology and provides useful development experience for water environment management as a reference .

  18. MDM是一套软件、信息标准和治理基础结构,它使企业能够为所有参与者创建、维护、使用和分析一致、完整、上下文相关且精确的信息。

    MDM is a set of software , information standards , and governance infrastructure that enables your enterprise to create , maintain , use , and analyze consistent , complete , contextual , and accurate information for all stakeholders .

  19. 会计信息在公司治理中扮演一个重要角色。

    Accounting information plays an important role in the corporate governance .

  20. 从西方历史经验看我国企业会计信息失真的治理

    Rule the Distortion of Our Accounting Information from the Western Historical Experience

  21. 信息时代政府治理与行政公开问题探析

    Study on Governance and Administration Publicity at the Information Age

  22. 浅谈会计信息失真及其治理对策企业会计信息失真的原因及对策

    The Reasons for Enterprise Accounting Information Distortion and Their Countermeasures

  23. 东莞市医疗废物和污水污染及其治理对策信息污染及其治理措施

    Medical waste and medical wastewater pollution and control countermeasures in Dongguan City

  24. 网络环境下企业信息安全综合治理体系研究

    The Research on Administration Strategies of Enterprise Information Security in Network Environment

  25. 不完全信息下公司治理与资本收益的决定

    Corporate Governance and the Determinants of Return on Capital

  26. 基于供求框架的会计信息失真及其治理

    Accounting Information Distortion and Its Correction Based on the Supply - Demand Frame

  27. 论我国信息污染及治理对策

    Discussion on Information Pollution and Information Pollution Control

  28. 第三,探寻政府审计对政府信息披露的治理路径。

    Thirdly , exploring the governance path of government information disclosure by government audited .

  29. 会计委派制与国有企业会计信息失真的治理

    The System about Appointing Accounting Personal and Accounting Information for Business of Country Distortion

  30. 代理问题及其缓解机制&兼论会计信息及公司治理的作用

    Agency Problem and Reducing Mechanisms : The Role of Accounting Information and Corporate Governance