
  • 网络The Red Herring
  1. 即使英国与欧洲的贸易赤字是一条红鲱鱼。

    Even Britain 's trade deficit with Europe is a red herring .

  2. 四个小黑人到海边去;一条红鲱鱼吞下一个,还剩三个。

    Four little nigger boys going out to sea ; A red herring swallowed one , and then there were three .

  3. 这家移动解决方案咨询公司创建于2003年,到2007年就入围了《红鲱鱼》(RedHerring)杂志全球私营科技公司排名前100名的榜单。

    Established in2003 as a mobile-solutions consultancy , in2007 Green Tomato was named one of Red Herring magazine's100 top private technology companies world-wide .

  4. 就和长在木头上的红鲱鱼一样。

    As many as red herrings Grew in the wood .

  5. 我想象这个到处洋溢着“非鱼,非肉,也不是标致的红鲱鱼”的世界一定很刺激。

    I like to imagine a world in which " neither fish , flesh nor good red herring " was irritatingly common .

  6. 迈德在美国宾州大学完成神经生物学的研究所课程,曾经担任创投杂志《红鲱鱼》的资深科学作家。

    He has done graduate work in neurobiology at the University of Pennsylvania and was previously senior science writer at Red Herring magazine .

  7. 比如说福勒拿来批评“循词”的许多短语我听都没听说过:“一只牧师助理的鸡蛋”,“非鱼,非肉,也不是标致的红鲱鱼”,诸如此类。

    For example Fowler condemned as " clich é s " many phrases I 'd never heard : " a curate 's egg "," neither fish , flesh nor good red herring ", and so on .

  8. 刚果红与鲱鱼精DNA相互作用的光谱法和电化学研究

    Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Study on the Interaction Between Congo Red and Herring Sperm DNA