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hóng xīn
  • red heart;loyal heart;true heart
红心 [hóng xīn]
  • [red heart] 比喻忠于无产阶级革命的心

红心[hóng xīn]
  1. 一直点击卡片直到你拿到红心R然后点击出去。

    Keep clicking the cards until you got red heart R and click out .

  2. 例如,Instagram上最受欢迎表情是“红心”,使用次数比其他任何表情高出79%。

    For example , the most commonly used character on Instagram is the ' red heart ' , which is shared 79 percent more than any other emoji .

  3. 如果他们的红心是三、二对开,那么我就让一墩给K。

    If hearts break 3-2 , I 'll surrender a trick to the king .

  4. 南方打4个黑桃,西方一开始出红心K和A。

    South plays in four spade and West begins with king and ace of hearts .

  5. 他还在InstagramStories上转发这条广告来表示支持,还配上了祈祷的手势和带有红心表情的笑脸。

    He also showed his approval by reposting the clip on Instagram Stories with the praying hands and smiling face with hearts emojis .

  6. 在玩Blackjack或者诸如红心大战之类基于王牌的游戏时,知道如何算牌会十分有用。

    When you 're playing Blackjack , or trump-based games like Hearts , it can be useful to know how to count cards .

  7. 先用有益微生物制剂100液浸果2min,再用浓度为1.5%的低分子质量壳聚糖涂膜保鲜丰都红心柚。

    Pomelo are coated with with 1.5 % chitosan after dipped into 100 times solution of beneficial microorganism preparation .

  8. 《红心大战》于1992年在WindowsforWorkgroups(WFW)3.1中亮相,WFW是第一个联网的Windows版本,而《红心大战》就是为了让人们了解联网功能:在局域网中你可以和《红心大战》的其他玩家交流。

    Hearts , introduced on 1992 's Windows for Workgroups 3.1 - the first version built for networks - was there to get people introduced in networking : you could communicate with other Hearts clients on a LAN .

  9. 比如说,HubSpot(一家数字营销公司)调查显示,Instagram上最受欢迎表情是“红心”,使用次数比其他任何表情高出79%。

    For example , the most commonly used character on Instagram is the ' red heart ' , which is shared 79 percent more than any other emoji , reported HubSpot .

  10. 扦插育苗生长激素以1000mg·kg-1ABT1号生根粉效果最好,基质以70%红心土±30%火烧土为佳,生根率可达80%以上。

    The treatment effect of 1000mg · kg ~ ( - 1 )№ 1 ABT rooting powder was the best , the mixed medium with 70 % red-heart soil and 30 % fire soil were ideal .

  11. 这就是红心皇后从你那夺走的东西你的父亲

    This is what she took from you ? Your father ?

  12. 多玩家黑桃王,双陆棋,红心大战,跳棋和翻转棋

    Multiplayer Spades , Backgammon , Hearts , Checkers , and Reversi

  13. 杨树红心病的形成原因38℃的红色

    Studies on the Cause of Formation of Poplar Red Core Wood

  14. 美妮从纸上剪下个红心。

    Minnie cut a red heart from a piece of paper .

  15. 什么有十三颗红心却没有身体和灵魂?

    What has thirteen hearts but no body and no soul ?

  16. 我可以依靠红心飞牌。

    I still have the heart finesse to fall back on .

  17. 它意味着红心、黑桃、红方块、或者梅花。

    It means Hearts , Spades , Diamonds or Clubs .

  18. 兰州红心萝卜色素的提取及性质研究

    The extraction and character of red radish pigment of Lanzhou

  19. 涪陵红心萝卜研究现状、存在问题及开发利用对策

    Countermeasures , Existing Problems and Actuality of Red Radish in Fuling Area

  20. 红心萝卜肉质根色素含量的测定

    Measuring of pigment content of succulent root in red-core radish

  21. 一个非常勇敢的女人是红心王后。

    A very brave woman is the Queen of Hearts .

  22. 哦红心我也很想念伍迪

    Oh , Bull 's-eye . I miss Woody too .

  23. 红心王后是朱迪丝,她杀死了敌人的一个将军。

    That was Judith , who killed an enemy general .

  24. 壳聚糖对丰都红心柚保鲜效果的影响

    Effect of Chitosan on Storage Result of Fengdu Red Pomelo

  25. 红心扑克上的红色心形别放在心上,老兄。

    A red , heart - shaped figure on certain playing cards .

  26. 灌篮,正中红心,好呀。

    Slam dunk , right in the bucket , there you go .

  27. 红心皇后她这人张扬得很

    The queen of hearts . She 's not one for subtlety .

  28. 妈妈,我能戴着红心上学吗?

    Mom , can I wear my hearts to class ?

  29. 我相信你已经选中101颗红心。

    I do believe you 've chosen the101 of hearts .

  30. 在这种情况下牌是红心A。

    In this case it 's the Ace of hearts .