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  1. 庄子的天论及其审美旨趣

    ZHUANG Zhou 's Theory About Nature and Its Aesthetic Purport

  2. 从以天论德看儒家道德的宗教作用

    The Mandate of Heaven as the Source of Virtue : Religiosity of Confucian Morality

  3. 中国古典思想存在着一个强大的天论传统。

    There is a strong tradition of philosophy of Heaven in Chinese classical philosophies .

  4. 还有何种事情比我家这种天论之乐更快乐、幸福呢?

    And what kind of things better than my house this day theory of music more joy and happiness ?

  5. 《易传》天论的哲学意义&兼论中国哲学有没有哲学概念

    Philosophical connotations of Yi Zhuan 's view on heaven ── simultaneously on whether there are philosophical concepts in Chinese philosophy

  6. 董仲舒的天论对东汉时期天道观的影响

    The Impact of Dong Zhongshu 's " Heaven " Theory On the Concept of Nature Law in the Eastern Han Dynasty

  7. 《荀子。天论》是战国晚期儒学思想家荀卿的一篇杰出的唯物主义哲学论著。

    " Xunzi Tianlun " is an outstanding paper of materialist philosophy by Xunqing , a confucian thinker in the late warring states period .

  8. 牟宗三超越存有论驳议&从先秦天论的发展轨迹看牟宗三超越存有论的缺陷

    Refutation of MOU Zong-san 's Theory of Beyond Existence & Viewing the Defects of the Theory in Terms of the Evolution of Heaven Theory of Pre-Qin Period

  9. 以天论传统建构超越存有论是牟宗三儒学思想的一个重要特点。

    One of the important features of MOU Zong-san 's Confucian thoughts is that his thoughts have established the theory of beyond existence with the traditional Heaven Theory .

  10. 讨论墨子天本体论在现实生活中是如何展开的。

    Moreover , a discussion will be held to see how the theory has been applied in reality .

  11. 当人们开始假定地球不是宇宙的中心时,对七天创世论和上帝创造地球的角色的怀疑开始抬头。

    When people starting postulating that the Earth was not the center of the universe , it gave way to the rise in questioning the idea of a seven-day creation and God 's role in creating the Earth .

  12. 1845年的今天,天定命运论:美国总统詹姆斯K·波尔卡向国会宣称美国应当竭力扩张进入西部。

    1845-Manifest Destiny : US President James K.Polk announces to Congress that the United States should aggressively expand into the West .

  13. 天定命运论1845年的今天,天定命运论:美国总统詹姆斯K·波尔卡向国会宣称美国应当竭力扩张进入西部。

    Manifest Destiny 1845 - Manifest Destiny : US President James K. Polk announces to Congress that the United States should aggressively expand into the West .

  14. 天定命运论和青年美国为西沃德的太平洋商业帝国奠定了坚实的理论基础。

    The Manifest Destiny and Young American lays a solid foundation for vision of the Pacific Commercial Empire by Mr. Seward .

  15. 论蔡元培以美育代宗教说的精神内涵由天之意涵论儒家思想的宗教性

    On Connotation of Cai Yuanpei s Theory of Aesthetic Education Displaces Religion ; The Religious Character of Confucianism Meanings of Tian

  16. 可以说相天造命论集中体现了王船山历史哲学的主体精神。

    So the argument of assisting heaven and creating destiny focuses to explain the subject spirit of Wang chuanshan 's historical philosophy .

  17. 19世纪,美国人相信天定命运论,认为占领整个北美是上帝的旨意。

    In the19th century Americans believed in manifest destiny , meaning that they thought God wanted them to occupy the whole continent .

  18. 昆西·亚当斯的外交思想主要体现在三个方面:以天定命运论为核心的大陆扩张思想;

    The diplomatic thoughts of Quincy Adams can be represented by three aspects : Firstly , the thought of continental expansion emphasized the theory of Manifest Destiny .

  19. 在普世主义的美国本土化过程中,至关重要的两个理念是“上帝选民论”和“天定命运论”。

    Under the theory of Chosen People , the Americans pose themselves as people selected by God while Manifest Destiny colors American expansion as answering oracle from God .

  20. 城市有我一片天雅典城邦法治论

    On the Nomocracy of Athens City - State

  21. 倬彼云汉,为章于天&《诗经》自然审美研究天文篇董仲舒的天论对东汉时期天道观的影响

    The vast milk way , the literary talent in the sky & A research in astronomy to natural appreciation of the beautiful in Shijing ; The Impact of Dong Zhongshu 's " Heaven " Theory On the Concept of Nature Law in the Eastern Han Dynasty