首页 / 词典 / good


huó biàn
  • convenient;agile;nimble;dexterous
活便 [huó biàn]
  • (1) [口]

  • (2) [nimble;agile;quick]∶灵活

  • 手脚活便

  • (3) [convenient]∶方便;便当

  • 事情还是这么办比较活便

  1. 地产开发商用活动房作样板间,既活便又节约成本。

    Real estate agents use prefab dwellings as sample rooms , which are convenient to use and can save money .

  2. 两个门都打开,进出活便一点儿。

    Opening both doors makes it more convenient for people to come in and out .

  3. 于是,她的针线活便出现在总督的皱领上、军人的绶带上、牧师的领结上;

    Her needle-work was seen on the ruff of the Governor ; military men wore it on their scarfs , and the minister on his band ;