
huó dònɡ qiáo
  • movable bridge
  1. 咨询活动在天生桥一级水电站建设中发挥的作用

    The Role of Consulting Services in the Construction of TSQ - 1 Project

  2. 结果,在2006年的庆祝活动中这座桥被禁止向公众开放。

    As a result , the bridge itself was closed to the public during the2006 celebrations .

  3. (西维吉尼亚州的新河峡国家公园是国家公园系统中的例外。在那里,几百人举行一天的跳伞活动庆祝一年一度的桥日。这个传统已经有差不多40年了)波特认为时代在改变。

    ( The exception in the national park system is the annual Bridge Day at New River Gorge , in West Virginia , where hundreds take part in a one-day jumping celebration that dates back nearly 40 years . ) Potter thought times were changing .