
huó sè shēng xiāng
  • Lively colour brings forth fragrance;One's writing is lively and colourful
活色生香[huó sè shēng xiāng]
  1. 活色生香又捉摸不定的女人回来了艾米莉·索恩

    The return of the vivacious and elusive Ms. Emily Thorne .

  2. 像品一杯美酒一样细细体味每一瞬间吧。你就会发现生活多么的活色生香。

    Treat life like a fine wine and drink in every moment .

  3. 王安忆和阿加莎一样,用日常生活中的简单素材加上灵巧的写作技法,创造出活色生香的小说世界。

    Wang Anyi and Agatha , the simple material of daily life and basic writing techniques to create a Live Flesh fiction world .

  4. 三十六岁的佩内洛普·克鲁兹和四十出头的男友贾维尔-巴尔登同为西班牙裔,曾共同合作了三部电影《火腿火腿》、《活色生香》和《午夜巴塞罗那》。

    Penelope , 36 , and Javier , 41 , appeared together in three films & Jamn , Jamn , Live Flesh and Vicky Cristina Barcelona .

  5. 《调酒》课程项目教学的实践与思考《活色生香鸡尾酒调制》课例分析

    Practice and Thinking on the Implementation of Project Teaching of " Bartender " Curriculum & Analysis on the Case of " Live Flesh-cocktail Modulation " Lesson

  6. 所以,如果你为了某项工作苦恼不已,也许你要做的就是走出去,到一个活色生香的咖啡店里,奇思妙想没准就不请自来了。

    So if you 're stuck on a task , maybe all you need to do is to step into a lively coffee shop to get the your imaginative juices going again .