
  • 网络activating solution
  1. 本文提出了以有机碱HD1为络合剂的离子型钯活化液,并测定了有HD1时,在不同的pH值下钯活化液中钯的平衡电位值。

    This paper presents ionic palladium activating Solution with organic base HD 1 as a complexing agent and equilibrium potentials of pd in the activating solution in the Presence of HD 1 at different PH values .

  2. 给出了前处理活化液的配方和工艺条件。

    The formulation and process conditions of pre-treatment activating solution were presented .

  3. 胶体钯活化液的稳定性主要取决于Sn~(2+)、H~+和CΓ的浓度。

    The stability of colloidal Pd activation solution mainly depends on the concentration of Sn ~ ( 2 + ), H ~ + and Cl ~ - .

  4. 研究表明,铝离子在不同pH值活化液中的含量及存在形态是影响活性白土漂洗工艺的主要因素。

    It is shown that the content and occurrence ways of Al ion in activation solution with different pH value are critical factors , which influence on rinse of activated clay .

  5. 将立方氮化硼(CBN)磨料依次浸泡于敏化液和活化液中,进行表面活化处理。

    CBN ( cubic boron nitride ) grits surface were processed with sensitizing solution and activating solutions .

  6. 采用酸基型胶体钯活化液,将敏化、活化合为一步进行,对ABS化学镀镍前处理工艺进行了改进,减少了活化液中金属钯的含量,降低了生产成本。

    The pretreatment process of electroless nickel plating on ABS was improved by using acidic colloid Pd activating solution and combining sensitization with activation in one step , reducing Pd content in activating solution and production cost .

  7. 结果表明,以HF为主剂的活化液,时间60s,pH值4.8~5.2的活化工艺以及250℃、保温2h的热处理为最佳工艺。

    The results indicate that the best process conditions for the activation solution with HF main ingredient are : activation time 60 s , pH 4.8 ~ 5.2 and heat treatment time 2 hours at 250 ℃ .

  8. 根据溶胶的相互聚沉作用原理,对笔者研究成功的ABS塑料化学镀铜用的胶体铜催化活化液的溶胶性质和工艺特性作了试验。

    Based on the principle that sol can get together to precipitate , the proper - ties and technical properties were tested as the writer had studied successfully on sol cop - pery catalytic activation solution used as ABS plastic electroless coppery plating .

  9. 不锈钢镀铬预处理新型活化液的电化学特性

    Electrochemical Properties of Activator for Chromium Plating of Stainless Steel

  10. 非金属电镀胶体活化液的研究

    Study on Colloidal Activation Solution of Nonmetal Electroplating

  11. 钨铜复合材料的化学活化液相烧结

    Chemically Activated Liquid Phase Sintering of Tungsten-copper

  12. 几种氯化物对胶体钯活化液稳定性及其催化活性的影响

    Effect of Some Chloride on the Stability and Catalytic Activity of Colloidal Pd Activation Solution

  13. 研究了酸洗活化液的组成,酸洗活化工艺操作条件,并分析了镁合金一步酸洗活化机理。

    The bath composition , operation conditions and mechanism of pickling-activation of magnesium alloy were investigated .

  14. 结果表明胶体铜活化液的胶粒带负电荷。

    It has shown that the colloidal particles of sol coppery activation solution were with nagative charge .

  15. 对干乳酸菌发酵剂的复水活化液组成、活化温度、活化时间和干剂用量等进行了研究。

    The composition of the resuscitating liquid , activating time & temperature and the dosage of dry yoghurt starter powder added were studied .

  16. 实验中发现胶体钯活化液的稳定性主要取决于Pd2+和Sn2+的浓度。

    The stability of colloidal pd2 + and Sn2 + activation solution mainly depends on the concentration of pd2 + and Sn2 + .

  17. 通过优化活化液配方和工艺条件,光纤光栅可以不经过粗化直接化学镀镍。

    By optimizing the the activated liquid formulations and process conditions , In the fiber grating can be successfully electroless nickel plating without coarsening .

  18. 研究了可剥性刷镀防护膜的阻隔性,耐电净液、活化液、工作液腐蚀的能力;

    The insulation and ability to resist the corrosion of electrolytic cleaning , activation and working solutions of the peelable off brush plating protective film were investigated .

  19. 讨论了活化液、络合剂、Ni2+及H2PO2-浓度、缓冲剂及温度的确定。

    The determination of activation solution , complexing agent , the content of Ni ~ 2 + and H_2PO_2 ~ - , buffering agent and temperature were discussed .

  20. 进一步采用添加贮(释)氢稀土氢化物粉末作活化剂的方法,研究了释氢化合物的助活化液相烧结的作用及机理。

    Further , by adding hydrogenated rare-earth compound to heavy alloy powder as activator , the behavior and mechanism of hydrogen-releasing compound to help activated liquid-phase sintering were studied .

  21. 将不含贵金属钯的活化液应用于该复合材料的活化过程,不仅成功地化学沉积上良好的镍磷镀层,而且能够大大降低成本。

    The application of activating solution without noble metal Pd to activation of the composite materials can not only obtain a good electroless Ni-P coating but also greatly reduce the cost .

  22. 通过正交实验及单因素实验讨论了载体层形成条件以及钯活化液的最佳配比,分析了各因素对活化过程的影响。

    Orthogonal and single-elemental experiments were used to study the formation of the substrate layer and the optimum conditions , and analyse the effects of the various factors on the activation process .

  23. 在酸洗活化液中,活化膜的形成经历了成核、生长、增厚三个阶段,生长阶段的活化膜适用于做后续浸锌液中的保护模。

    The formation of activation film undergoes three stages of crystallization , growth and thickening in pickling-activation . The activation film formed in the growth stage is the optimum stage for immersing zinc . 2 .

  24. 这时为了节省时间和原料可以在使用后的活化敏化液中添加流失掉的成分,从而实现活化敏化液的重复利用。

    In this case in order to save time and materials , we can add lost ingredients to the sensitizing liquid . By this way we can realize the reuse of activation sensitizing liquid .

  25. 在采用液质联用技术对氨基酸活化反应液进行定性分析的过程中,我们发现五种活化反应液中均存在一对分子量相同组分,即这些中间体以成对的形式出现在反应液中。

    When analyzing the amino acid activation solution with LC-MS technique , we found compound pairs with identical molecular weight in all five amino acid activation solution , that is , these intermediates exist in reaction solution in pairs .

  26. 研究了粉末316L不锈钢添加活化剂的液相强化烧结。

    Liquid-phase enhanced sintering of P / M 316L stainless steel by addition of sintering active agents was studied .

  27. 采用醋酸酐作为酯化剂,吡啶作为活化催化剂,液相均相催化反应技术制备尿素缓释膜材料高取代度(DS)醋酸酯淀粉。

    Using acetic anhydride as esterifying agent , pyridine as activation catalyst . Applying liquid homogeneous catalyzing reaction skill for preparation of carbamide controlled release film material high substituent ( DS ) acetic starch ester .

  28. PBSCT+ABM系采用自身外周血干细胞及体外活化自体骨髓液750ml回输;

    The cases of PBSCT + ABM were infused with autologous peripheral blood stem cells and activated bone marrow about 750 ml.

  29. 研究了镁合金硫酸镍化学镀镍工艺,得到了最佳的酸洗、活化及镀镍液配方。

    Electroless nickel plating on magnesium alloys in nickel sulfate bath is studied , obtaining optimal formulations for the pickling , activating and nickel plating processes .

  30. 400Ma时活动的中酸性岩浆热液不仅使超基性岩变质,而且使呈分散状态存在于超基性岩中的金一部分破活化而进入热液形成含矿热液。

    Acidic magmatic hydrothermal solution in 400 my not only causes metamorphism of the ultrabasic rock but also dissolves part of gold which is scattered in the ultrabasic rock .