
  • 网络extracting bear bile
  1. 北京:中国中医药协会日前召开媒体沟通会,就目前备受舆论关注的活熊取胆做出回应,否认活熊取胆很残忍的说法,并承诺可以协助媒体参观对公众封闭的养熊场。

    BEIJING - A Chinese medicine professional denied claims that the practice of extracting bear bile is cruel and promised to give media a chance to visit the country 's bear farms .

  2. 中国中药协会会长房书亭表示,媒体和工作对活熊取胆的过程有相当大的误解。

    Fang Shuting , head of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ), said there is a great misunderstanding among the media and the public about the process of extracting bear bile .

  3. 活熊取胆胆汁与商品熊胆胆汁酸成分的比较研究

    Study ox the bile gained from living bears

  4. 活熊取胆最佳手术程序的建立及对机体某些指标的影响

    Establishment of the Best Surgical Procedure for Bile Drainage and ItS Influence over the Body in Living Bears

  5. 近些年来,用于医疗用途的活熊取胆招致了动物权利保护人士的强烈反对。

    The extraction of bear bile for medicinal purposes has met opposition from animal rights activists in recent years .

  6. 在所有崇尚中医的国家,只有中国允许活熊取胆产业合法存在。

    Of all the countries respectful for Chinese medicine , only China legally allows the existence of live bear bile .

  7. 活熊取胆是中国声誉上的一个污点。如此对待这些熊实为野蛮。

    Bear bile farming is a stain on China 's reputation and is barbaric to treat these bears in this way .

  8. 1983年,朝鲜发明了活熊取胆的技术,养熊业因此产生。

    In1983 , North Korea invited the technology to extract gallbladder from a live bear and the bear farming industry started ever since .

  9. 《野生动物保护法》的最新修订要追述到1989年,该法案让老虎养殖,活熊取胆以及其它商业用途钻了空子。

    The current wildlife protection law was implemented in 1989 , and it allows such practices as farming tigers and bears for traditional Chinese medicine and other commercial uses .

  10. 然而,据“北京爱它动物保护公益基金会”所说,活熊取胆对熊造成了生理和身体伤害,但归真堂表示他们能够无痛取胆。

    But , Beijing Loving Animal Foundation says , " extraction of bile causes massive physical and psychological harm to the bears while , Guizhentang says it can extract bile without causing any discomfort .