
  1. 第二章论述毕淑敏通过对人类生存家园的关注来揭示生命的意义。

    The second chapter discusses the meaning of life by focusing on the the hometown of human beings .

  2. 毕淑敏创作的生命情结与审美超越为我们提供了当下精神危机时的一种镇痛剂和抚慰药。

    Her life complex and aesthetic transcend her works has embodied provides us a soothing analgesic drugs when we are in current spirit crisis .

  3. 毕淑敏、余华都曾弃医从文,相似的医学背景促成了他们共同的死亡情结,但并未造就出两个风格相同的死亡文本世界。

    The same medical knowledge background has led to their common feelings about death , but it has not produced two literary versions on death with the same style .

  4. 关注生命存在,探索生命存在的真理,这就是毕淑敏带有强烈存在主义色彩的艺术追求。

    I think it is Bi Shumin 's art pursuit with strong existentialism color : Paying close attention to the existence of the life and seeking the truth of the existence of the life .

  5. 本论文力图从毕淑敏小说的具体文本出发,通过对作品中人物命运的阐释,探讨贯穿毕淑敏小说中的“生命关怀”。

    The thesis tries hard to analyse the material content and comprehend the fate of some special figures in order to discuss the incline of " the concern of life ", through Bi Shumin 's novels .

  6. 毕淑敏的《预约死亡》描写了我国刚刚起步的临终关怀事业,呼唤人们更新死亡观念,正视死亡,昭示了作者对人生的人道主义关怀。

    BI Shu-min 's Booking Death describes the caring-the-dying affairs which has just begun in China , calling people to renew their understanding of death , envisaging death , which shows clearly the attention and thought of the writer to humanism .

  7. 正是怀着对生命的敬畏,对生命存在处境的追问,所以毕淑敏把写作当作一种存在,并积极承担作家书写存在真理的使命。

    Exactly because of revering to the life , the existence of questioning of life situation , she regards writing as a kind of existence , and shoulder the responsibility of being a writer and writing the mission with truth actively .

  8. 通过解读毕淑敏的作品,可以看出她始终把死亡、生命、生存这些古老而又常新的话题作为创作的主旨,并禀赋执着的现实主义人文关怀。

    Through interpretation of her works , one can see that she has put these ancient and renew topics such as the death , life , the survival as her creativity keynote , which has contained persistent humane care , reflected the critical awareness of realism .