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bì xiào
  • Bishop;resemble closely;be the very image of;be completely alike;look very much alike
毕肖 [bì xiào]
  • [look very much alike;resemble closely] 完全相像

毕肖[bì xiào]
  1. 计算分析结果表明,FLAC数值模拟与简化毕肖普法的计算结果相吻合,对于土质边坡,坡率对边坡稳定性的影响远大于坡高对边坡稳定性的影响。

    The calculated results show that FLAC value simulation is identical with the calculated result of Bishop 's simplified method . For the soil side slope the influence of the slope rate on side slope stability is greater that the influence of slope height on side slope stability .

  2. 瑞典条分法与毕肖普法在土坡稳定分析中的应用和研究

    The Study of Sweden and Bishop Methods in Slopes Stability Analysis

  3. 毕肖普法和有限差分法应用于边坡稳定性分析

    The application of Bishop method and finite difference method in slope stability analysis

  4. 与毕肖普法容许安全系数比瑞典法高同理,用非线性抗剪强度准则进行堆石坝坝坡稳定计算,其容许安全系数也应在线性准则的基础上提高。

    So the safety factor criterion of nonlinear shear strength should larger than linear .

  5. 与毕肖普法比较的结果显示了两种方法之间具有相当好的吻合性。

    The comparison with the Bishop method also shows good coincidence between these tow methods .

  6. 针对某岸坡运用多种方法进行了稳定性分析,探讨了毕肖普法和有限元法的结果产生差值的可能原因。

    The reasons that result in the different results by Bishop and FEM are discussed .

  7. 通过对条间力函数的合理选用,改进了边坡稳定性分析的毕肖普法,使该方法更为合理。

    By adopting inter-slice force function , the Bishop method for slope stability analysis has been improved and be more reasonable .

  8. 因此,在进行较重要的土坡稳定分析中应同时采用毕肖普法或其他较严格的方法进行计算。

    Therefore , in the important slopes stability analysis , the Bishop and other strict method needed calculation at the same time .

  9. 以简化毕肖普法为理论依据,利用程序对复合型土钉支护内部稳定性的影响因素进行了分析。

    On the basis of simplified Bishop method , the influence factors of internal stability of composite soil nailing support are investigated .

  10. 基于遗传算法和拟静力简化毕肖普法提出搜索地震作用下最危险滑动面及相应的最小安全系数的方法。

    Based on genetic algorithm and pseudo-static Bishop Simplified Method , searching methods for the most dangerous slip surface and the according minimal safety factor are introduced in this paper .

  11. 第四章进行堤坡抗滑稳定计算分析,用有效应力法和总应力法同时得到简化毕肖普法和瑞典圆弧法的计算结果;

    Chapter 4 , having an analysis and calculation of slope stability , use effect stress and total stress method , and through the program we can get the results of simple Bishop and Sweden arc method .

  12. 结果显示,毕肖普法安全系数比瑞典法高2%~10%,采用非线性抗剪强度计算的安全系数比采用线性抗剪强度高15%~25%。

    The result shows the safety factor of Bishop method is larger 2 % ~ 10 % than Sweden circular method , and factor of nonlinear shear strength is larger 15 % ~ 25 % than linear .

  13. 文中采用简化毕肖普法和瑞典圆弧法对关河水库稳定渗流期的大坝下游坡及库水位降落期的大坝上游坡的稳定分别进行了计算。

    Simple Bishop method and Swedish slip-circle method are adopted to compute respectively the stability of downstream slop of dam during the period of steady seepage and the stability of upstream slop of dam during the period of fall of level .

  14. 根据毕肖普法和非线性规划原理,对工程实践中最为广泛应用的圆弧滑裂面法,提出了一个较为完整的优化数值模型,并运用障碍函数法求解了该优化数值模型。

    According to Bishop 's method and non linear programming theory , this paper renders a rather complete numerical model of optimization for method of circular sliding surface applied widely in engineering , and uses obstacle function method to solve it .