
xì yè
  • spire
细叶 [xì yè]
  • [spire] 细尖叶(如禾草或谷类的叶)

细叶[xì yè]
  1. 也有矮个子的,在大树叶下,一丛丛地伸展着小细叶。

    There are shorter people , and in large leaves , the stretching of the small patches of spire .

  2. 呜兹拿起地上的木棒,沿着碎石铺成的小路走进树丛,伸展到路上的一丛细叶被他的脑袋一碰,嗖地卷曲了起来。

    Woods picked up sticks on the ground , along the gravel-paved road into the trees , the road extended to a cluster of spire were touched his head , curled up and whipped .

  3. 细叶百合种子最适萌发条件研究表明,培养基为MS,温度25℃是细叶百合种子萌发的最适条件,采用人为添加无菌水的方式,可以有效保证种子的高萌发率。

    The research showed that the optimum seed germination condition was MS medium with 25 ℃ temperature . Adding sterile water artificially can effectively guarantee a high seed germination rate . 4 .

  4. 细叶益母草(Leonurussibiricus)叶表面腺毛多样性及发育形态学研究

    The Diversity and the Developmental Morphology of the Glandular Hairs on the Leaf Surface of Leonurus sibiricus

  5. 应用ELISA测定了细叶百合鳞茎中的吲哚乙酸(IAA)、赤霉素(GA)、脱落酸(ABA)的含量。

    The contents of hormones in the bulb of Lilium pumilum , such as abscisic acid ( ABA ), indoleacetic acid ( IAA ) and gibberellin ( GA ), were determined by the method of ELISA .

  6. 对细叶桉CTMP进行了单段及两段H2O2漂白研究,确定了H2O2漂白适宜的工艺条件。

    The one stage and two stages H2O2 bleaching of CTMP from Eucalyptus ( E. tereticorns ) were studied in this paper . Suitable conditions of H2O2 bleaching were determined .

  7. 试验结果表明,一定浓度Hg2+可以抑制细叶蜈蚣草CAT和SOD的酶活性,从而破坏其抗氧化防御系统,Hg2+对细叶蜈蚣草生化毒理的影响存在剂量/效应关系。

    The results showed that Hg ~ ( 2 + ) above a certain concentration could inhibit the activity of SOD and CAT of E. najas , thus injuring its antioxidant defense system . A positive correlation existed between dose and effect .

  8. 细叶小檗(Berberispoiretiischneid)之红色浆果,经压榨得鲜果汁。采用醋酸铅沉淀,正丁醇提取的纯化方法,得到纯化色素。

    The red pigments from the fruits of Berberis poiretii schneid were purified by lead acetate precipitation and n-butanol extraction .

  9. 细叶百合(LiliumpumilumDC.)和松叶百合(LiliumcernuumKom.)是百合科百合属多年生草本球根植物,具有很高的观赏价值。

    Lilium pumilum DC . and Lilium cernuum Kom . are the perennial herbaceous bulbous plants , which belong to the Lily of the Liliaceae , with high ornamental value .

  10. 细叶百合的经济价值及人工栽培

    The Economic Value and Artificial Cultivation Way of Lilium pumilum DC

  11. 细叶百日草变异植株的组织培养及无性系建立

    Tissue cultivation and establishment of asexual line of Zinnia linearis

  12. 以细叶枸杞为试材,研究了枸杞的扦插繁殖。

    Cuttage propagation of Chinese wolf-berry ( Lycium chinense ) was studied .

  13. 在该培养系统中,细叶黄芪单细胞高频率地再生了完整植株。

    Tenuis regenerate intact plants at a high frequency .

  14. 细叶水团花的化学成分研究(Ⅱ)

    Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Adina rubella (ⅱ)

  15. 结果:艾、野艾及细叶艾的红外光谱吸收差别较大。

    Result : There were obvious differences among the FTTR spectrums of above-mentoined plants .

  16. 细叶杜香的叶及花蜜有毒,其叶、枝、花和果实中含有挥发油。

    Its leaves and nectar are poisonous and it is rich in essential oils .

  17. 细叶百合的生殖特性和繁育规律研究

    Characteristics of Reproduction and Breeding of Lilium pumilum

  18. 目的:分析细叶黑三棱挥发油的化学成分。

    Objective : To analyze the chemical compositions of volatile oil from Sparganium Stenophyllum .

  19. 细叶结缕草锈病的研究

    A study on rust of Zoysia tenuifolia

  20. 细叶百合无性繁殖条件的选择

    Selection of vegetative propagation for Lilium pumilum

  21. 重点关注了玉米,甘蔗,细叶芒,柳枝稷和北美草原的当地植物。

    They focused on corn , sugar cane , Miscanthus , switchgrass and native prairie grasses .

  22. 细叶百合的种子萌发

    Seed Germination of Lilium pumilum

  23. 目的:通过预试验,初步探索细叶桉叶的化学成分。

    Objective : To study the chemical constituents of the leaves of Eucalyptus tereticornis Smith by preliminary test .

  24. 那些细小的,嫣红色烛型花,以及松枝一样的细叶。令我特别欢喜。

    Those tinny bright red candled flowers and leaves as fine as the pine needles made me raptured .

  25. 三点金草、鸡眼草是在半细叶结缕草草坪上观察到的野生草种。

    Desmodium triflorum and Kummerowia striata are two wild legumes found in Zoysia japonica turf in this research .

  26. 细叶小檗的综合利用&小檗胺的药用价值及其在22种小檗属植物中的含量

    Comprehensive utilization of Berberis poiretii & the therapeutical value of berbamine and its content in 22 species of Berberis

  27. 不同授粉方式对青海细叶百合与亚洲百合杂交结实研究

    Influences on Seed Formation of Different Hybrid Combinations in Lilium pumilum and Three Asiatic Hybrids by Two Pollination Methods

  28. 细叶石斛有效成分分析及其水溶性提取物的血管舒张活性

    Content analyses of polysaccharides , alkaloids and mineral elements from Dendrobium hancockii and vasodilation activity of its water-soluble extraction

  29. 这种装饰性蕨类来自墨西哥,有二三米长的细叶。

    This type of decorative fern comes from Mexico and has fronds which are two to three metres long .

  30. 目的研究贵州两个不同种植基地的细叶桉精油的化学成分变化特征。

    ObjectiveTo study variational properties of chemical compound in Eucalyptus tereticornis oil from two growing bases in Guizhou province .